Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Blooming Plants as Gifts

    • Poinsettias are popular blooming gift plants.Design Pics/Valueline/Getty Images

      Blooming or flowering plants are often given as gifts, especially around holidays such as Christmas, Easter and Mother's Day. These plants are desirable for their beauty and continuous blooms, although, in most cases, they are not meant to be planted outdoors, according to the University of Illinois. Still, they usually last much longer than a bouquet of flowers.

    Cineraria spp.

    • Cineraria is a popular gift plant that features flowers in shades of creamy white, red, pink and violet. The small, daisy-like flowers are delicate and attractive, and the colors make this plant especially popular as a gift given around Valentine's Day. As an indoor plant, cineraria prefers cooler temperatures. In fact, the plant grows best if it is placed in temperatures around 50 degrees Fahrenheit, so set it near a cool window, where it will also get plenty of indirect but bright sunlight. Cineraria also prefers soil that is kept continually moist, according to the University of Illinois.

    Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)

    • The poinsettia is perhaps the most common gift plant given during the winter holidays, Christmas in particular. This plant, which features red, pink or white bracts (modified leaves) is tropical in nature and should not be exposed to temperatures below 65 degrees, according to the University of Florida. Poinsettias thrive when placed away from drafts in bright, indirect light and should only be watered when the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch.

    African Violet (Saintpaulia spp.)

    • African violets are popular houseplants, according to the University of Florida. They are often given as spring holiday gifts, including occasions such as a day celebrating teachers or executive assistants. Like many other flowering houseplants, they prefer bright but indirect light. Too much sunlight will scorch the soft, broad leaves while too little sunlight will cause the plant to stop blooming. These plants prefer high humidity and can benefit from being placed on a humidity tray, which is a shallow tray filled with pebbles and water. African violets grow best in temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum)

    • The Easter lily is most often given as a gift at, you guessed it, Easter. The lily is native to Japan. Almost all Easter lilies are grown and sold from a small area along the northern California and southern Oregon coast, according to the University of Vermont. Potted Easter lilies grow best in bright but indirect light, in temperatures of between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and away from cold drafts. They should only be watered when the top of the soil feels dry.

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