- A peace lily offers a white bloom.peace lily image by Ronnie Howard from Fotolia.com
Indoor blooming plants add freshness, color and sometimes even fragrance to a home's interior. Many house plants will bloom year after year with the proper care: the correct light, regular watering and fertilizer. When possible, buy indoor plants while in bloom, so you can choose the flower color, fragrance and appearance you want. - Amaryllis plants in bloom make a statement.Amaryllis image by Nette from Fotolia.com
This show stopper is a bulb with flower colors in red, pink, orange, white and variegated. It can be purchased as a bulb or flowering plant. Amaryllis bloom from December until late spring with two or more flowers, about 8 inches wide on a 2-foot stem. This plant likes filtered light, and regular water and fertilizer. - Begonias are delicate looking but hardy growers.begonia image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.com
Begonias flourish best indoors when given humid conditions. In a dry indoor environment set the begonia pots in saucers with pebbles and water that doesn't reach the bottom of the pot. Choose from hundreds of varieties in colors that include red, white and pink. The plant blooms in winter. - Cacti like dry conditions.Christmas cacti image by Azot from Fotolia.com
When it comes to desert cacti, you'll have hundreds of choices. The flowers bloom in a circle near the top of the plant with colors including red, pink, yellow and white. The cacti vary in size from 1 inch to more than 1 foot tall. Native to Mexico, these plants like dry, hot conditions so place them in sunlight. Watch for too much heat, and water sparingly. - Kalanchoe flowers bloom indoors.kalanchoe image by Edith Ochs from Fotolia.com
Kalanchoe flowers add a spark to any indoor landscape. These drought-tolerant plants bloom in early winter through early spring with flowers in colors that include red, yellow and white. Pinch off the blooms when they are spent to encourage more flowers. The plants grow from 6 inches to 18 inches tall and up to 2 feet wide. Kalanchoe is one of the easiest indoor plants to propagate. Cut off about 3 inches from the top of a branch that has multiple leaves, but cut below the leaves. Let the branch dry out for three to four days and plant in moist soil. New leaves should grow within a few weeks. Let the plant dry out between watering and grow it in bright light. - The white peace lily flower is lovely.peace lily image by Horticulture from Fotolia.com
This indoor flowering plant offers white, heart-shaped blooms on foot-long stocks. The plant grows to 2 to 3 feet high; its leaves are a glossy deep-green color. Flowers appear every couple of months through the year. These beauties prefer low-to-moderate light; never direct sun. Keep the soil moist, but not wet and don't let the plant sit in water. Fertilize every two to three months. The lore behind the name suggests the flower looks like a white flag of surrender, thus the name peace lily.
Desert Cacti
Peace Lilies