Google have moved the goal posts again in the world of search marketing and search optimisation with its implementation of Google instant. It's going to be a long time before anyone has a complete understanding of how Google Instant will change search and search marketing.
The change Google has made isn't just to the user interface. They've changed how search works by dramatically increasing the power of Google Suggestions. And most importantly they've changed the search experience which will undoubtedly change the way people behave and react to the results they get from Google. Search marketers—of both the paid and organic varieties—are going to feel the impact of all these changes.
So what can we do? Do we break down and cry that all of our work with Google my now not be as valid? NO! We change adapt and modify. The thing about search now is that there needs to be a lot more emphasis on Liner Search engine optimisation, which means a lot more thought about the customer and the psychology and sociology of user groups (ie what will they be searching for and how will they construct each search…. and how do make sure we are top of that particular search)
Julian Grainger a guest blogger f0r eConsultancy makes his case quite clear.
"For example, if I want to type 'sports spread betting' I can start pecking at the keyboard and the results flow into the screen.
At 's' I get 'sky' suggested and shown in the result set.
At 'sp' sports direct is suggested and shown.
‘Sports' is the next change in suggestions but not the result set shown.
This is because it was already showing the results for 'sports'.
Add a space and the suggestion changes again.
At 'sports s' more suggestions so I have another phrase to target. Each target it the one that gets preference in the suggestion tool being the first suggested phrase. (So maybe this gets called preferential term targeting?)
Finally safety for my client at 'sports sp' with a result set of sports spread betting companies. As a searcher though, after all those result sets I'm less inclined to scroll.
I'm exhausted from looking at all the choices prior. For the client, being #1 is going to matter more and more on the most relevant searches.
As an SEO, my fear is that some cunning paid search guru is going to steal my clients business before searchers get to my handiwork. So now I have to optimise earlier words. The early word gets the worm?
What this means is targeting across the keystrokes in linear fashion from first letter until the search is either complete or a relevant result set presented.
So my first target is to advertise next to 'sky'
My second target is to advertise and optimise my site to 'sports'.
Spaces now matter though it may take a while to understand how we target them. Maybe a URL …. /sport_/.
It will be a boon for paid search as 'sky' and 'sport' are great opportunities to get in first now."
The change Google has made isn't just to the user interface. They've changed how search works by dramatically increasing the power of Google Suggestions. And most importantly they've changed the search experience which will undoubtedly change the way people behave and react to the results they get from Google. Search marketers—of both the paid and organic varieties—are going to feel the impact of all these changes.
So what can we do? Do we break down and cry that all of our work with Google my now not be as valid? NO! We change adapt and modify. The thing about search now is that there needs to be a lot more emphasis on Liner Search engine optimisation, which means a lot more thought about the customer and the psychology and sociology of user groups (ie what will they be searching for and how will they construct each search…. and how do make sure we are top of that particular search)
Julian Grainger a guest blogger f0r eConsultancy makes his case quite clear.
"For example, if I want to type 'sports spread betting' I can start pecking at the keyboard and the results flow into the screen.
At 's' I get 'sky' suggested and shown in the result set.
At 'sp' sports direct is suggested and shown.
‘Sports' is the next change in suggestions but not the result set shown.
This is because it was already showing the results for 'sports'.
Add a space and the suggestion changes again.
At 'sports s' more suggestions so I have another phrase to target. Each target it the one that gets preference in the suggestion tool being the first suggested phrase. (So maybe this gets called preferential term targeting?)
Finally safety for my client at 'sports sp' with a result set of sports spread betting companies. As a searcher though, after all those result sets I'm less inclined to scroll.
I'm exhausted from looking at all the choices prior. For the client, being #1 is going to matter more and more on the most relevant searches.
As an SEO, my fear is that some cunning paid search guru is going to steal my clients business before searchers get to my handiwork. So now I have to optimise earlier words. The early word gets the worm?
What this means is targeting across the keystrokes in linear fashion from first letter until the search is either complete or a relevant result set presented.
So my first target is to advertise next to 'sky'
My second target is to advertise and optimise my site to 'sports'.
Spaces now matter though it may take a while to understand how we target them. Maybe a URL …. /sport_/.
It will be a boon for paid search as 'sky' and 'sport' are great opportunities to get in first now."