- 1). Purchase a Parental Control Software program like WebWatcher, SpyAgent or CyberControl. These the top-three parental control programs, as ranked by the Top Software Reviews website (see References). Install and open the program. The program will detect the different users on your computer. Select the user you would like to block from playing Internet games. Click on the "Internet" tab. Click on "Games" or a similar category to block from use.
- 2). Restart the computer and log in with the blocked user's account. Test to see if the Internet games you wish to block are being blocked. If not, add additional keyword restrictions in the Parental Control program. Restart the computer again and test to see if those games are being blocked.
- 3). Download the LeechBlock program. This program will only work on the Mozilla Firefox browser, so make sure to download the browser and begin using it if you wish to use the LeechBlock program. Install the program and open Firefox. Click "Tools" and then "LeechBlock" and "Options." Add websites that you wish to block from use and add certain time periods that you wish to block them. For example, if you only want to allow five minutes of a particular game site from every six hours you will type "5" in the minutes allowed and then select "6 hours" from the drop-down menu. This will block any users from accessing the site after five minutes of use. Further prevent yourself or your child from accessing the games by clicking on the boxes that let users edit the program while it is running.
- 4). Block Internet games completely by blocking the possibility of using the Internet. Download the trial version of the program Freedom from the Mac Freedom website (see References). Install the program on your computer by double-clicking the self-installing executable (EXE) file. Open the program. The program will ask you how long you wish to block the Internet entirely. Select a time and click "Block." Your computer will no longer have Internet access for the time you specified. The only way to reverse this is to completely reset your computer.