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Flowers That Can Handle Full Sunlight

    • The black-eyed Susan blooms in full sundaisy 1 image by David MacFarlane from Fotolia.com

      The best months for blooming flowers are generally March, April and May. Finding buds that last through the hot summer months of full sunlight may seem difficult, given the wide variety of plants at your local nursery. However, knowing specific plants that can handle full sun and still bloom pretty flowers makes your search easier and your garden ready for summer.

    Threadleaf Coreoposis

    • The threadleaf coreoposis blooms yellow daisy-like flowers and thrives in a full sun environment. The plant grows up to 3 feet tall and may look like a weed before it blooms. However, once it does, the flower clusters can stay in bloom all summer.

    Russian Sage

    • The Russian sage plant grows up to 4 feet tall and blooms a bush full of small, purple flowers. They are bell shaped and grow in clusters along the plant’s stems. They’re easy to grow and can add a burst of color to any summer garden. The flowers don’t have a strong scent, but if multiple flowers are smashed or split, the smell could be off-putting.


    • The daylily comes in multitudes of colors, and each flower is actually two colors, with the center a different shade than the outer petals. The color varieties are yellow, red, pink, purple and melon, although different shades of those main colors are common. The plants can grow around 3 feet tall and bloom in full-sun spring and summer months.

    Black Eyed-Susan

    • The black-eyed Susan is another daisy-like yellow flower that blooms in full-sun environments. The flower gets its name from the prominent dark dome center and surrounding yellow petals. These are wildflowers and may resemble weeds until they bloom but will stay in bloom all summer with little maintenance.

    Black Foot Daisy

    • This daisy is native to Texas and is used to a lot of sun. Unlike some of the other full-sun flowers, this plant is a short bush and makes a border plant for a garden or walkway. The flowers are white with yellow centers and can bloom all spring, summer and even through fall.

    Dwarf Mexican Petunia

    • The dwarf Mexican petunia is another small plant, but the flowers it blooms are quite large in comparison. The flowers come in pink, purples and white shades and thrive in direct sunlight, but will also tolerate some shade, making it more flexible than other full-sun plants. However, the more sun it gets, the more flowers will bloom.

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