- 1). Remove the negative battery cable from the negative battery terminal with a 12-mm socket. Wrap the negative battery connector with a shop towel to prevent it from accidentally grounding on the firewall or engine components.
- 2). Remove the air intake assembly clamps from the throttle body and the filter housing, and remove the intake hose. Loosen the clamps with a flat-head screwdriver.
- 3). Locate the S2000 starter between the radiator support and the front of the engine. It is below the water pump. It is easier to reach the bolts and wiring harnesses from above and not below the vehicle.
- 4). Remove the 12-mm nut that secures the ground wire to the starter and pull the wire connector off the threaded stud. Thread the nut back onto the stud to avoid losing it.
- 5). Remove the wiring harness from the starter solenoid. The solenoid is located on the side of the starter.
- 6). Place a short extension on your ratchet and remove the top 14-mm bolt holding the starter onto the engine. Place a long extension bar onto the ratchet and remove the lower 14-mm bolt holding the starter onto the engine.
- 7). Pull the starter straight out of the engine to avoid damaging the teeth on the starter gear or the flywheel.