Are you a first time mother anxious about how to breast feed and take care of your new born baby? The following article about breastfeeding will help you learn some simple ways about the right ways to breastfeed, how to take care of yourself during that changing phase and some essential guidelines that'll help you take care of your child's requirements during the breastfeeding phase.
Take note of the following mentioned easy-to-follow tips:Follow a healthy and balanced Diet:Though there are no rigorous mandates about what to eat and what not to eat, it is still important that you take a balanced diet, comprising of essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins.
The use of caffeine and alcohol should be restricted lest it tampers with the child's metabolism and leads to irritability.
Take breast-feeding lessons: Nowadays, it is very easy to find a doctor or mid-wife who would disperse knowledge about breastfeeding over the weekend.
Such classes are of great help to learn what is the right position to hold the bay, frequency of feed, how long to nurse et al.
Consult a Lactation consultant: It is very important to consult your doctor at regular intervals and get your little one examined to ensure that his overall growth is fine.
Proper sanitation: It's very important that you clean your nipples and the area surrounding them before you breastfeed your loved one lest he falls sick due to some infection.
Also, while feeding your young one from a milk bottle, it's important to wash your hands properly and boil the bottle, nipple and the lid for at least 20-25 minutes.
Also, do not check the temperature by dipping your finger into the milk.
Finally, the below mentioned tools that will go a long way in helping you become the best breastfeeding mother Nursing cover: It is advisable to have a nursing cover for your child when feeding in public, which will save you from social embarrassment when your child cries for hunger.
Nursing bras: It is advisable to posses a pair of nursing bras, especially when your child whelps for his feed more often than usual.
Also, it will save you the effort of undressing time and again.
Ointments and soothing gels: Your handbag will never be too heavy to carry a soothing gel and will be of utmost help when your nipples turn sore after frequent feeding.
Breastfeeding pump: Call it a boon for working mothers but Breastfeeding pumps are of immense help to working mothers who cannot be with the child round the clock.
Breast milk can be collected through the pump and the child can be bottle fed as and when required.
Daily Diet schedule: It's very important to keep a check of your eating habits during breastfeeding phase through the use of a handy diet chart.
It will help you keep a check on your eating schedule and will enable you to detect if any particular food item caused allergy to your loved one.
It will also help you change your food items to accustom your child to different food items.
Take note of the following mentioned easy-to-follow tips:
The use of caffeine and alcohol should be restricted lest it tampers with the child's metabolism and leads to irritability.
Such classes are of great help to learn what is the right position to hold the bay, frequency of feed, how long to nurse et al.
Also, while feeding your young one from a milk bottle, it's important to wash your hands properly and boil the bottle, nipple and the lid for at least 20-25 minutes.
Also, do not check the temperature by dipping your finger into the milk.
Finally, the below mentioned tools that will go a long way in helping you become the best breastfeeding mother
Also, it will save you the effort of undressing time and again.
Breast milk can be collected through the pump and the child can be bottle fed as and when required.
It will help you keep a check on your eating schedule and will enable you to detect if any particular food item caused allergy to your loved one.
It will also help you change your food items to accustom your child to different food items.