- 1). Wait until the early spring and then start placing the palmetto tree outdoors for one to two hours per day to acclimate the plant. Bring the tree in at night and then return it to the outdoors the next day. Add one to two hours of outdoor time per day until you reach 24 hours.
- 2). Look for a planting site that has no overhanging power lines or tree branches. The soil should be moist or dry but not soggy, and should be slightly sandy to assist with drainage.
- 3). Dig a planting hole 6 inches deeper and 12 inches wider than the palmetto's pot. Slope the sides of the hole down toward the center.
- 4). Mix organic matter, such as bark or compost, with the soil that you removed from the hole. If you have sandy soil, add 1 part organic matter for every 3 parts of soil. For clay soils, add 1 part organic matter and 1 part sand for every 3 parts of soil. Mix the soil well with a shovel.
- 5). Pick up the tree pot and turn it upside down while holding one hand on the base of the trunk. Slide off the plastic pot and then turn the tree upright before centering the roots in the hole. Adjust the tree until the top of the root ball is 1 to 2 inches below the top of the hole, adding in soil as needed to accomplish this.
- 6). Fill in the hole half way with soil and pack it down with your hands. Use a hose to water the soil and remove air pockets. Fill in the remainder of the hole, level with the surrounding soil.
- 7). Turn a garden hose on at a slow trickle and place it under the palmetto. Leave the hose there for 20 minutes to water the soil, and then turn it off.