At different points throughout his life, Stephen K. seemed to be the target of a mischievous spirit
MANY PEOPLE LIVE their entire lives without encountering the supernatural. There are some people, however, who meet with the paranormal at several points throughout their lives. Stephen K. is one of those people. In his case there might be a very good reason: his house seems to be haunted. The ghost in Stephen's house - possibly that of a small child - doesn't always make itself known, but when it does, it makes sure to get Stephen's attention.
It might even be able to play a disturbingly weird prank.
It all began for Stephen about 12 years ago when he was about seven years old. He had been living in the same house all of his life with his parents and his sister in central Canada. Until the day in question, Stephen had never noticed anything unusual in the house. No one had ever died there, as far as he knew, and there were no cemeteries nearby, yet this first incident had him wondering about the possibility of a ghost.
It was early morning and Stephen was lying awake in his bed, just staring at the ceiling and thinking about the day ahead. No one else in the house was up yet. Suddenly he heard a voice - a harsh whisper - that seemed to come from the foot of his bed. "Lie down!" the voice said.
The foot of his bed was against the wall that was facing the outside, but Stephen knew there was no one outside in the backyard who could have said that. And what did it mean? He was already lying down. This might have been the first of the ghost's peculiar pranks.
"I heard it very clearly," Stephen says, "and I will never forget it. No one would've even known I was awake. At that very instant I jumped out of bed - probably literally - and ran out of my room. I don't remember much else that happened that day but I do remember that as if it happened only yesterday."
The next strange thing of any consequence took place about five years later. Stephen was now 12 years old. Again, he was lying in his bed, trying to fall asleep. Only his sister was in the house with him; his parents were out, but about to come home soon.
Stephen remembers that he was wide awake in the dark room. There was a bit on moonlight filtering in through his bedroom window. Stephen was suddenly startled be the appearance of a small glowing ball of light that slowly moved across the wall from the door frame toward his closet. All he could do was just stare at it in wonder. Then it vanished.
A few minutes later, it reappeared, starting, moving, and stopping in the same path that it did before. Then it would suddenly be gone. "It was a very bright white color," Stephen recalls. "Then maybe about five minutes later it reappeared, but this time made it all the way to my closet before disappearing. And I didn't see it again. Shortly after that, my parents got home and I told them what happened. They were as mystified as I was... as I still am."
If Stephen's house was haunted, the following incidents provided further evidence.
Next page:The Ultimate Prank