Business & Finance Corporations

5 Deadly Direct Sales Consultants Recruiting SINS, Improving Home Based Business Presentation Skills

Do you find yourself constantly wondering why is it is that some people find it so easy to persuade virtual strangers to do business with them? How is it some people with minimal effort are able to build massive downlines, while you struggle daily to generate interest in your direct sales home party business? Today I would like to address 5 things that I see daily, that are costing many home party consultants and direct sales business owners profits and home party sales, I call these Deadly Direct Sales & Home Party Recruiting SINS: Deadly Recruiting SIN #1: Thinking that everyone that has a pulse is your prospect.
Coming in at a close second is the advice to tell and ask everyone to join your business! It is true that is not your duty to decide FOR potential prospects whether the business opportunity you are presenting is or isn't for them.
However, it is not mathematically feasible that every single person needs what you have to offer! Deadly Recruiting SIN #2: You are not selling, you are just sharing.
Sales have had a bad reputation - there is still a misconception that sales people are insincere and manipulative (anything for a sale).
If you are in it to share your business opportunity, in that case you had better cut your losses and call it a day.
The purpose of business, any business is to realize a profit! The only exception to this rule are the much loved Not For Profit Organizations! Deadly Recruiting SIN #3: Failure to ask questions that reveal your potential home party recruits "hot buttons" or "needs".
Most home party consultants have been trained to conduct dog and pony shows.
Lay out all the features and benefits of the company, never pausing to take a breadth and a step back to find out the prospects reasons for doing for not doing business with you! Home Party Marketing Tip: It is not about why you think she would benefit from working with your company or what qualities she has that would make her a good home party consultant.
It is about, WIIFM: What's In It For Me! Deadly Recruiting SIN #4: Not asking for the sale.
I have been to many an home party & Home Party Plan demonstration.
Some were expertly and professionally conducted, others left a lot to be desired! It is always a surprise to me just many people are willing to leave the sale at the table because they fail to ask for the money.
If you have been following the Prospecting 101 Video Tutorials that I created for you, you will by now have learned how to remedy this problem! Direct Selling Success Tip: Ask And You Shall Receive! Deadly Recruiting SIN #5: Refusal to accept a no for what it is - NO! Is an objection really a request for more information? Or is it an glaring testimony that the proper ground work was not covered? Here is an example that I recently came across, when a prospect says, "I don't have enough time", she may really be unaware of how much time a job like this takes.
A great response is, "How much time do you think this takes?" This gives you the opportunity to clear up any misconceptions she may have about the business.
Ok, if after the end of your presentation most people are not buying, or saying no; it is safe to assume the following:-
  • Genuine lack of interest
  • Failure on your part to have conducted the necessary research on home party attendees
  • Failure on your part to provide the best-fit solution.
Home Party Sales Tip: Become customer centric.
Remember as Mark Sanborn states "The pleasure of the buying experience is as important as the price of the product.
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