Lye soap, what is it? Handmade 'lye' soap is becoming increasingly popular, but what is it? Honestly, the first vision I have when someone mentions it is Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies mixin up hers in a cauldron, with Miss Hathaway telling her it gives her leatherlike skin.
Well, that couldn't be farther from the truth, and actually, handmade soap is better for your skin than the store bought ones.
First of all let's clarify, soap cannot be made with lye, but, there is no lye present in the end product of homemade soap.
The lye and the oils go through a process called saponification, once saponification is complete, the oil and the lye have now become a different product all together.
What's the difference between handmade soap and store bought ones? Most store bought soaps are detergent bars, made with petroleum base products.
Real handmade soap is full of glycerine, which is a key factor in keeping your skin soft and moisturized.
Most commercial soap manufacturers extract the glycerine from their soaps to use in lotions and skin creams, this is why sometimes you feel so dry and itchy after showering.
If you suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema or have sensitive skin, you may find that handmade soap gives you considerable relief for your symptoms.
Handmade soap will also last considerably longer than store bought soap especially if they are stored where they can drain, such as a wire shower organizer.
Olive oil is the most popular ingredient in handmade soaps, but recipes vary, and nearly any oil can be used, as well as tallow or lard.
Some bars are enhanced with shea butter, cocoa butter, sea salt, avocado, the possibilities are endless.
Although handmade soap is slightly more expensive than store bought, the benefits make it well worth the purchase.
Well, that couldn't be farther from the truth, and actually, handmade soap is better for your skin than the store bought ones.
First of all let's clarify, soap cannot be made with lye, but, there is no lye present in the end product of homemade soap.
The lye and the oils go through a process called saponification, once saponification is complete, the oil and the lye have now become a different product all together.
What's the difference between handmade soap and store bought ones? Most store bought soaps are detergent bars, made with petroleum base products.
Real handmade soap is full of glycerine, which is a key factor in keeping your skin soft and moisturized.
Most commercial soap manufacturers extract the glycerine from their soaps to use in lotions and skin creams, this is why sometimes you feel so dry and itchy after showering.
If you suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema or have sensitive skin, you may find that handmade soap gives you considerable relief for your symptoms.
Handmade soap will also last considerably longer than store bought soap especially if they are stored where they can drain, such as a wire shower organizer.
Olive oil is the most popular ingredient in handmade soaps, but recipes vary, and nearly any oil can be used, as well as tallow or lard.
Some bars are enhanced with shea butter, cocoa butter, sea salt, avocado, the possibilities are endless.
Although handmade soap is slightly more expensive than store bought, the benefits make it well worth the purchase.