When will my baby start kicking? When would I start feeling the fluttering in my tummy? When would s/he develop fingers and toes? Can he/she hear me or feel my touch? Is he/she big enough to respond to me? All these and a lot more questions keep coming to the mind of a pregnant woman every now and then.
She can easily find answers to these by acquiring the relevant knowledge about Pregnancy stages.
Knowing about these stages would give her a fair idea about what to expect when.
This would make the mother know what her little one inside her is up to.
It actually comes with the explanation of what would happen next in various pregnancy stages.
This subsides the anxiety of would-be mothers and helps them to handle each stage in a better way.
These phases of pregnancy are medically referred to as pregnancy trimesters.
These trimesters greatly differ from each other in terms of development and growth of the baby taking place during their course.
Medical experts from all over the world have affirmed that every pregnancy is different from the other.
And so are the symptoms shown in various pregnancy stages.
Some may start feeling the heartburns in the very first trimester itself whereas some may not feel it at all.
The first trimester is considered to be the most crucial of all the stages of pregnancy.
It inflicts a lot of changes upon the would-be mother.
Right from tender breasts to constant tiredness and from nausea to frequent urination; all occur during this time itself.
This trimester does not only cause various changes in the body of the mother but also witness the heartbeat of the baby as well.
It is during this phase only that the baby moves its tiny limbs.
In the second month of pregnancy, around the seventh week, the face of the baby will develop giving way to the development of various vital organs as well.
It is therefore quintessential for the mother to have a balanced diet during this phase.
This would ensure that the baby would get all the nutrients desired for a proper development and periodic growth.
In the second trimester, the baby starts growing further and by the 16th week s/he develops a stronger heartbeat and fine body hair.
The next stage, that is, the third trimester is the time for the mother to start taking baby birth lessons.
As by the 35th week both the mother and the baby would come full term and would be anxiously waiting for the DUE DATE.
Around this time only, the use of the pregnancy calculators and calendars gets enhanced more than ever for the expecting women consult them every now and then.
Pregnancy stages can be dealt with quite easily if the would-be mother is aware about them.
She can cope better with her changing body if she knows what can happen and when.
Also, being better informed will actually save her a lot of undue stress.
She can easily find answers to these by acquiring the relevant knowledge about Pregnancy stages.
Knowing about these stages would give her a fair idea about what to expect when.
This would make the mother know what her little one inside her is up to.
It actually comes with the explanation of what would happen next in various pregnancy stages.
This subsides the anxiety of would-be mothers and helps them to handle each stage in a better way.
These phases of pregnancy are medically referred to as pregnancy trimesters.
These trimesters greatly differ from each other in terms of development and growth of the baby taking place during their course.
Medical experts from all over the world have affirmed that every pregnancy is different from the other.
And so are the symptoms shown in various pregnancy stages.
Some may start feeling the heartburns in the very first trimester itself whereas some may not feel it at all.
The first trimester is considered to be the most crucial of all the stages of pregnancy.
It inflicts a lot of changes upon the would-be mother.
Right from tender breasts to constant tiredness and from nausea to frequent urination; all occur during this time itself.
This trimester does not only cause various changes in the body of the mother but also witness the heartbeat of the baby as well.
It is during this phase only that the baby moves its tiny limbs.
In the second month of pregnancy, around the seventh week, the face of the baby will develop giving way to the development of various vital organs as well.
It is therefore quintessential for the mother to have a balanced diet during this phase.
This would ensure that the baby would get all the nutrients desired for a proper development and periodic growth.
In the second trimester, the baby starts growing further and by the 16th week s/he develops a stronger heartbeat and fine body hair.
The next stage, that is, the third trimester is the time for the mother to start taking baby birth lessons.
As by the 35th week both the mother and the baby would come full term and would be anxiously waiting for the DUE DATE.
Around this time only, the use of the pregnancy calculators and calendars gets enhanced more than ever for the expecting women consult them every now and then.
Pregnancy stages can be dealt with quite easily if the would-be mother is aware about them.
She can cope better with her changing body if she knows what can happen and when.
Also, being better informed will actually save her a lot of undue stress.