- 1). Remove the corn kernels from two ears of corn. Twist the cob back and forth to loosen and remove the corn kernels.
- 2). Place the corn kernels in a heat-resistant bowl and pour boiling water into the bowl to cover the kernels. Let the kernels soak for one to two hours.
- 3). Cut a length of thread to the length you would like the necklace. For a medium-length necklace, cut the thread to a 52 inches.
- 4). Fold the thread in half and insert the thread through the eye of a sewing needle. Slide the needle to the center of the thread. Tie a knot in the loose ends of the thread, approximately one inch away from the ends.
- 5). Thread the corn kernels onto the sewing needle and push them down to the knot in the thread. Keep adding kernels until approximately one inch of thread is exposed at either end.
- 6). Cut the thread just below the eye of the sewing needle to remove the thread. Tie the two ends of the thread in a knot to make the necklace.
- 7). Hang the necklace on a coat hook, tree branch or shower rod to let the corn kernels dry.
- 1). Cut a long piece of suede cord to the length you would like the necklace plus six inches. For a necklace that sits below the collarbone, cut the cord to a length of approximately 30 inches.
- 2). Fold the cord in half to find the center point. Place the stone arrowhead in the center fold and wrap the suede cord tightly around the arrowhead.
- 3). Thread a pony bead onto both ends of the suede cord and slide them down and against the arrowhead to hold the wrapped cord in place.
- 4). Slide three or four beads onto each end of the cord.
- 5). Tie the ends of the necklace into a knot for a completed arrowhead necklace.
Native American Corn Necklace
Arrowhead Necklace