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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

In Bo’s room, Hope begs Daniel to tell her that Bo’s going to make it. Daniel believes there’s a good chance of Bo surviving if they could do the surgery now, otherwise she might want to say good-bye. Shawn and Victor enter, where Daniel reiterates the same to them. Hope recalls how she promised Bo that he was going to make it and urges Daniel to help her keep that promise. Daniel will see what he can do, but can’t operate if Chelsea’s system still has too much alcohol.

He tells Kayla and Lexie that they need to do something and buy a little time.

Elsewhere, Steph encourages Max to go home and get some rest, since he’s worked all night at the docks. Max points out that he’s lost his father and doesn’t know what he’d do if he lost his brother too. Steph recalls how she woke up and heard her mom crying. She encourages him to take a breather, but he refuses and affirms that the Bradys always made him part of the family and pretty much saved his life. Steph refers to Max as a lifesaver, rehashing the Ford Decker ordeal and how he was there for her. She hugs him and refers to him as amazing, assuring him that he makes his family proud.

In Chelsea’s room, she wakes up and apologizes to Kate for drinking. Kate notes that Chelsea got her stubbornness from her grandma and encourages Chelsea to focus on feeling better so she can save Bo. She cautions Chelsea that it’s a very serious and dangerous operation she’s about to undergo. Chelsea wants to take the risk and do it anyway.

Chelsea then asks her grandma to go fetch her some water. Kate obliges and tells her what a brave girl she is.

Outside Bo’s room, Marlena is startled to see John and questions what he’s doing by himself. “Not really part of the ‘in crowd,’” he responds. He notes that he’s related to half of everyone there, so he should be there. Marlena smiles that he just does the right thing. “And sometimes I don’t,” he counters, as he mentions how he pointed out Philip’s emotional weakness on the pier. Marlena notes John’s concern for Bo in his voice. John shares how he remembers being hooked up to machines and having his every breath monitored. “And that’s all?” questions Marlena. John tells “Blondie” not to push it. Marlena vows to push him so hard that the “real” John will break through that fake venire. John claims it’s not a venire, but Marlena disagrees.

Back in Bo’s room, an agitated Daniel closes the blinds and barks at Lexie to get rid of the people the room. Lexie goes out in the lobby and quietly implies to Roman that it’s hard having everyone watch their every move. Roman agrees to take care of it and implores John, Marlena, Shawn, Belle, Philip, Steve, to all go down to the O.R. waiting area. They all hesitate at first, but comply to his request. Lexie thanks Roman.

Max encourages Steph to go home and get some rest and he’ll call if there’s any news. She says no way. Kate approaches the two and informs them that the doctors have found a donor for Bo. “It’s Chelsea,” she reveals. Steph is stunned, as she assumed it would be Shawn. Max notes Kate’s lack of excitement. Kate reveals that Chelsea decided to drown her sorrows at Cheatin’ Heart and thus they can’t do the operation until the alcohol is out of her system. Meanwhile, a nurse enters Chelsea’s room and discovers that the feisty young Brady gal is missing.

Daniel asks Hope to leave Bo’s room for just a few minutes. Kayla assures Hope that she will get her if anything happens. “You better have a damn good reason for doing that!” demands Kayla after Hope leaves the room. Daniel admits he doesn’t, he just didn’t want Hope to hear that he has nothing. Kayla wonders why keep Hope in the dark. “Because I am the doctor,” he affirms. He wants to retest a few things, but will need the ladies’ undivided focus. He demands for Kayla to get a journal regarding a pancreatic study and to meet him and Lexie in the lab.

Caroline and Victor ask Hope if everything’s okay. Hope says that Daniel just needed a little space. Caroline and Victor comfort each other.

Philip approaches Roman and apologizes for the loss of Grandpa Shawn. He refers to Grandpa Shawn’s heroics on the plane as unbelievable. Roman affirms that he would’ve done that for any of his kids. Philip admits that even though he and Bo were half-brothers it never felt that way and believes it was because they were raised so differently. “Can’t argue with that,” responds Roman. Philip relays how he told Bo that he wants them to be more like a family. Roman is surprised and asks if Shawn’s okay with that. Philip states that he and Shawn have gotten past what happened with Belle and hopes the rest of the Bradys can be as generous. They both notice John walk across the lobby. “So what do you think of the new John?” questions Philip. “Not a whole hell of a lot,” replies Roman. “That makes two of us,” agrees Philip.

Belle, who is with Shawn, tells Marlena how good it is to see her dad there. Marlena notes that he does care and just doesn’t want anyone to know. “Sounds like classic macho man syndrome,” theorizes Belle. Marlena states that he’s just obsessed with power. Belle remarks that John is sometimes the dad she used to know and sometimes he’s not. “My ears are burning. Are you talking about me?” smirks John. “Sort of,” smiles Marlena. John wonders what they do now, but Marlena is open to suggestions. John says it’s nothing he should suggest in front of “Isabella.” “Oh my God, Dad,” she scoffs, as she suggests he could at least try and make an effort to act like her father. John sarcastically apologizes.

Steph can’t believe that Chelsea’s going to be Bo’s donor. Max can’t believe that Chelsea was drunk when she found out. Steph predicts that Chelsea will feel guilty the rest of her life. Kate approaches them and says she tried to fetch Chelsea some water, but found out she wasn’t supposed to have any. She asks them to come to Chelsea’s room to cheer her up. They are stunned to discover that Chelsea’s missing.
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