Did you know that Heart Disease is the number one killer of Americans? More than 600,000 people in America die every year from it! To put that in perspective.
That means someone dies from it every minute of every day.
This is very sobering and the worst part is heart disease is probably one of the more preventable diseases out there! All it takes is two things done in moderation to drastically reduce your chances of getting heart disease and therefore living longer: 1.
Eat a Good Diet 2.
Get a Good Amount of Exercise First let's tackle what everyone seems to have a problem with the dreaded diet! How to Eat a Simply Good Diet: This doesn't have to be a scary thing.
In fact, the more I study the more I am finding that it is not necessarily about what you don't eat but more about what you do eat! Put another way that means eating a good diet doesn't have to mean giving up all the good food in life and eating various things that taste like cardboard.
It means adding more good things and (dare I say it) tasty things! Here is a quick cheat sheet of the three main items to add: Add more of your favorite fresh fruits and vegetables and be on the search for new favorites.
Add fiber from easy to eat sources like bread or other enriched foods Add more fish for their omega 3 oils (Focus on Salmon, Herring, and Whitefish for their high levels of the Omega 3 oil but low levels of Mercury).
And if this is too hard there are supplements out there that you can take to do the same things (Though you still need a decent diet or you can cancel them out).
Search for them! How to Get Enough Exercise: Get the heart pumping with these fun exercises: 1.
Work Out Smarter Not Harder You don't have to work out hours at a time every single day.
But work out intensely for 10-15 minutes, make it fun by testing yourself, see how many push-ups/sit-ups/pull-ups (or any other up you can think of) you can do in a given amount of time.
Sprint for a few minutes and be done! This gets the heart pumping growing stronger! 2.
Have sex more! My personal favorite and I am not making this up.
Study after study shows that those that have sex more have a lot less a chance of developing heart disease!Try these: "Honey, this is for my health...
", or "Do you want me to be around for the grandkids?" Or my personal favorite:"Let's go live longer, baby!" 3.
Don't work out at all, just take a stroll Got a beautiful park nearby or such like? Go out and just take a walk with your significant other or your friends.
Enjoy the breeze and get all the vitamin D you need at the same time (More on that when I post on Osteoporosis).
Do them all at different times to vary things up or do them all in the same day! Just have fun! Till Next Time Make it A Healthy Day!
That means someone dies from it every minute of every day.
This is very sobering and the worst part is heart disease is probably one of the more preventable diseases out there! All it takes is two things done in moderation to drastically reduce your chances of getting heart disease and therefore living longer: 1.
Eat a Good Diet 2.
Get a Good Amount of Exercise First let's tackle what everyone seems to have a problem with the dreaded diet! How to Eat a Simply Good Diet: This doesn't have to be a scary thing.
In fact, the more I study the more I am finding that it is not necessarily about what you don't eat but more about what you do eat! Put another way that means eating a good diet doesn't have to mean giving up all the good food in life and eating various things that taste like cardboard.
It means adding more good things and (dare I say it) tasty things! Here is a quick cheat sheet of the three main items to add: Add more of your favorite fresh fruits and vegetables and be on the search for new favorites.
Add fiber from easy to eat sources like bread or other enriched foods Add more fish for their omega 3 oils (Focus on Salmon, Herring, and Whitefish for their high levels of the Omega 3 oil but low levels of Mercury).
And if this is too hard there are supplements out there that you can take to do the same things (Though you still need a decent diet or you can cancel them out).
Search for them! How to Get Enough Exercise: Get the heart pumping with these fun exercises: 1.
Work Out Smarter Not Harder You don't have to work out hours at a time every single day.
But work out intensely for 10-15 minutes, make it fun by testing yourself, see how many push-ups/sit-ups/pull-ups (or any other up you can think of) you can do in a given amount of time.
Sprint for a few minutes and be done! This gets the heart pumping growing stronger! 2.
Have sex more! My personal favorite and I am not making this up.
Study after study shows that those that have sex more have a lot less a chance of developing heart disease!Try these: "Honey, this is for my health...
", or "Do you want me to be around for the grandkids?" Or my personal favorite:"Let's go live longer, baby!" 3.
Don't work out at all, just take a stroll Got a beautiful park nearby or such like? Go out and just take a walk with your significant other or your friends.
Enjoy the breeze and get all the vitamin D you need at the same time (More on that when I post on Osteoporosis).
Do them all at different times to vary things up or do them all in the same day! Just have fun! Till Next Time Make it A Healthy Day!