Health & Medical Body building

Build Muscle Quickly - Do Not Look Now, But You Just Gained Muscle (Or Did You?)

You may have or maybe not if you are still just sitting in your chair staring blindly at a screen with mind numbing ease.
The truth is it does not take much to gain muscle and to build it quickly.
Your muscle is made by reacting to a stimulus.
Or exercising and it will only grow as big as needs to in order to be prepared and overcome what it just experienced.
OK so this is a bunch of gibberish right.
Let me put it this way your muscle is lazy, maybe just like you.
It does only just a bit more than it needs to in order to get past what is bothering it.
So if you lift a 20lb dumbbell your muscle will throw a little fit, get torn down and rebuild just enough to lift that 20lb weight again after it has recovered.
But what if you want to lift 30lbs? It's really hard right? Well then you need to practice some mind over muscle and push yourself.
No I am saying jump right into 30lbs especially if 20lbs is really hard.
But I AM saying push yourself to that point.
If your muscle is just lazy enough then you need to continually work it a little bit harder week after week.
By continually pushing yourself, even just a little bit, every week then you will force your muscle to grow.
Stubborn as it might be it will still obey its simple rule to grow just big enough.
So this week it is 20lbs, maybe next week your push yourself to 22lbs.
Then 25lbs sooner than you can imagine you will be at that 30lb mark.
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