- 1). Carefully remove the items in your scrapbooks. Place each item on a scanner and use the software that came with your scanner to scan it into your computer. Save all of the scanned items to the same folder on your desktop. Open Photoshop.
- 2). Select "File" from the menu and choose "New." In the dialog box that appears, choose from the presets the standard U.S. page size in case you decide you want to print copies later. Name the document "Scrapbook page 1" and click "OK."
- 3). Select "File" from the menu and choose "Open." In the dialog box that appears, go to the folder you saved your scanned images to and select one that you want to use on this page of your scrapbook.
- 4). Right-click on the layer in the "Layers" palette and choose "Duplicate Layer." In the dialog box that appears, choose the "Scrapbook page 1" document as the "Destination." Click "OK."
- 5). Go back to the scrapbook document and use the "Move" tool and the "Scale" tool found under "Transform" to place the image where you want it in the page layout.
- 6). Repeat Steps 3 through 5 to add all the images you want for the first page of the scrapbook. Save your work and then repeat the entire process to create the other pages of your scrapbook.