1Open a blank or existing document in MS Word.
Open the “Forms” toolbar by clicking on “View,” Toolbar” and “Customize.” Place a check mark by “Forms” and press “Close.”
Place your cursor in the area of your document where you want to insert the pull-down box.
Click on the “Drop-Down Form Field” button in the “Forms” toolbar. A gray line will appear by your cursor. Double-click it to open the “Drop Down Form Field Options” dialog box.
Type in the first menu item for your pull-down box under “Drop-down item.” Then click on “Add.” The item name will be inserted to “Items in drop-down list.”
Add the next menu item you want to include and press “Add.” Repeat this step until all the field options you want to add are inserted. Click on the arrows above and below “Move” to reorganize the items in your menu.
Press “OK” to place the drop-down box on your page once you are finished.
Select the pull-down box on your page and click the “Protect Form” button in the “Forms” toolbar to protect your form. The pull-down box is now complete.
Save the document as a template by clicking on “File” and “Save As.” In the “Save As” dialog box, change “Save as type” to “Document Template (.dot),” name your file and click on “Save.”