It's RV Cabaret Time again!
"Put down the knitting, the book and the broom, it's time for a holiday."
Remember that: Self Employment Success Online is all about:
1. Desire, 2. Equipment, Knowledge and Skills, 3. Proper Mind-set: That's it!
Actually, if your Mind is Right, and you can diligently apply Focused and Sustained Effort, and you possess/or can develop competency in One of several Basic Computer skills: Data Entry, Spreadsheet, Word Processing, Computer Graphics, and/or for example: The Virtual World, and everything it contains, could very well be Your (Pearled) Oyster: Tomorrow and Beyond!
Is all this too much for you, RV Grasshopper? Well... maybe you best keep your Day Job, forget the RV Cabaret stuff, and: Not Work and Travel Across the USA. LOL!
If you're determined to WAHO, and if Your Home is on the Highway: First, Last and Always: You must Believe In, Invest In, and Market Yourself!
When it comes to Steady Income Potential with High-side Potential, from my Forty Years Work Experience: Nothing beats Self Employment.
Remember, RV Friends: In order to get started WAHO: You only need One Gig! RV Lifestyle and Financial Freedoms can be yours, simultaneously, but not without serious effort.
If you have one or more of the Basic Computer Skills, I mentioned, and the Equipment, Internet Access, a Resume or CV, and a Business Email: You can Freelance, and Contract Work Remotely, WAHO, doing Real Online Jobs, practically anywhere in the United States.
BTW: Critically: You must make certain you are Always Compensated for your work, as Agreed, on a Timely Basis. (If you don't Profit, what's the Point?)
My personal definition of Ideal RVer Road Work Solutions: Online Self Employment Opportunities are: 1. Prolific, 2. Profitable, and, 3. Fully Portable! (WAHO-OO!)
OK. Let's assume you have landed: A promising New Job Online! May be it's not Ideal, but it does Pay Bankable Bucks shortly after Your Service/Product Delivery! (Speaking of "Bank-able", I personally have a PayPal Account set up for such Electronic Transactions. Hint, hint.)
So, let's also assume: Your First New Job is Medical Transcribing: Not too terribly exciting, certainly nothing glamorous, and in terms of Hours/Fees, it turns out to be pretty limited, you discover.
OK. So, get creative. You may be able to patch together several Part-time Jobs. Diversify. You add Medical Billing and Coding to your capabilities arsenal. You then may qualify as a Medical Services Specialist. (More Opportunity/More Variety/Better Pay/More Security.)
Your Online Job Quilt, would possibly consist of many odd and mismatching pieces; which when joined, actually do comprise a rather nice, steady and profitable pattern! Set reasonable Income Goals. Keep at it!
I currently run Five Home Based Businesses, Part-time, all of which are more-or-less Online, but none actually entirely Fund My Road: All but Two, (Blogging and Affiliate Marketing) require Driving to/from Local Site Inspections, Installations, or On-site Attendance.
The Downside of my Best-paying Businesses? They all require Transportation, Windshield Time, and all that is entailed therein. (And that is the very reason I am going 100% Online, ASAP!)
BTW: As Flexibility may dictate, you may be required to travel (hopefully short) distances to research, survey or photograph, in the course of your work.
Bear in mind that Transportation Costs, and Travel Time, are very often Not Compensated. You may be obliged to Bite the Bullet, but if the Work justifies the added expense, just do it.
Unless out-of-pocket costs are no obstacle, I would try to limit these expenses to a minimum. Of course, if you have a Motorcycle or Scooter: Fuel, Insurance and Regulatory Expenses can be minimized.
And, if you have access to Public Transportation, and your Job permits you to ride the Bus, Train or Trolley, to get to and from your destinations, so much the better.
Why, Where and How to Start:
There are literally Thousands of Online Jobs available right now. If you are not a Degreed Techie, a Trained Tutor, or Translator, there are also many interesting, Non-degree Clerical Opportunities located along the Internet Super Highway.
The main problem for RV Job Seekers: Finding the Right Online Job Descriptions to match your Skills, Business Equipment, and crucially: Your RV LifeStyle.
As I mentioned in Part 1: Work is Work. The big difference between working on location, (Onsite) and WAHO, (Home) is the Time and Expense of Travelling to and from, that location.
That's a truly significant difference: Precious Time and Money can be conserved by going WAHO. According to a recent US Census Bureau Report, most people spend at least One Hour getting to and, from work, every working day.
At a (conservative) rate of Seven Point Five Zero Dollars a Day, ($7.50 USD, based on 25 Miles, each way, and 20 MPG, and $3.00 Per Gallon, and 5 Day work Week) one may easily calculate the Annual Cost to Commute.
It's $1875.
One Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventy Five Dollars. In Ten Years, that's $18,750. And that is not including the Cost of the Vehicle, Insurance, Regulatory Fees, and Service Expenses.
And, did I mention Commuter Stress? According to a recent Reuters Article, Negative Health consequences related to Commuting, could include: Obesity, High Cholesterol, Back Pain, Eye Strain, Fatigue, and yes, Anxiety.
And, what about the Environmental Impact of all your commuting? No one yet has proven that Vehicle Emissions are actually good for Our Planet!
So RV Grasshoppers: Let's begin Here and Now:
TOT Advisory: The Internet is a huge and sprawling Electronic Marketplace, filled with all sorts of perils, pitfalls, and blind alleys.
The likelihood that: You... Actually Get It Right... Right off the Bat... Beginners Luck... is frankly: Infinitesimally Small!
Let's Stack the Deck... in Our Favor... Together... Shall We?
Safety First:
To begin with: Skip any, and skip all: Multi Level Marketing (MLM) and Network Marketing "Jobs". (If you examine these closely, such "opportunities" are not really "jobs" at all. They all will require that you make Regular Investments of Money and Time; or in lieu of that, Recruiting others to do the drudgery.)
Rule #1: The Big EZ Money and Get Rich Schemes, are right out! They are far, far too risky!
Rule #2: Remove the Risk Element from Online Job Opportunities, 100%, and you have: Bona Fide Online Job Opportunities: One Hundred Percent!
And that's where, as a Seasoned Online Job Shopper, I can really assist.
I have spent many, many months researching, identifying, casting out the noxious, and weeding the weeds: All in order to get down to the 100% Genuine Articles. (I will shortly be rejoining the Online Job Hunt, myself.)
In the Opportunity Screening Process, I have found: Some of the Few Genuine and Prolific, Profitable, Portable, and Guaranteed Safest Online WAHO Job Resources.
Four Safest Member Resources:
In the below Resource Box, are Four: Membership Reviews: Work At Home Online (WAHO).
To compliment this Article, I have also written a short: Membership Review: Work At Home Online. The Four Reviews separately rate Four (4) Select Memberships available, and the Surer, Securer, Safer Pathways to secure the Best, the Real WAHO Jobs, for Savvy RVers: Ready for the Road.
RV Life can be a Great RV Cabaret. So come to the RV Cabaret: surely and safely!
Happy Trails!
"Put down the knitting, the book and the broom, it's time for a holiday."
Remember that: Self Employment Success Online is all about:
1. Desire, 2. Equipment, Knowledge and Skills, 3. Proper Mind-set: That's it!
Actually, if your Mind is Right, and you can diligently apply Focused and Sustained Effort, and you possess/or can develop competency in One of several Basic Computer skills: Data Entry, Spreadsheet, Word Processing, Computer Graphics, and/or for example: The Virtual World, and everything it contains, could very well be Your (Pearled) Oyster: Tomorrow and Beyond!
Is all this too much for you, RV Grasshopper? Well... maybe you best keep your Day Job, forget the RV Cabaret stuff, and: Not Work and Travel Across the USA. LOL!
If you're determined to WAHO, and if Your Home is on the Highway: First, Last and Always: You must Believe In, Invest In, and Market Yourself!
When it comes to Steady Income Potential with High-side Potential, from my Forty Years Work Experience: Nothing beats Self Employment.
Remember, RV Friends: In order to get started WAHO: You only need One Gig! RV Lifestyle and Financial Freedoms can be yours, simultaneously, but not without serious effort.
If you have one or more of the Basic Computer Skills, I mentioned, and the Equipment, Internet Access, a Resume or CV, and a Business Email: You can Freelance, and Contract Work Remotely, WAHO, doing Real Online Jobs, practically anywhere in the United States.
BTW: Critically: You must make certain you are Always Compensated for your work, as Agreed, on a Timely Basis. (If you don't Profit, what's the Point?)
My personal definition of Ideal RVer Road Work Solutions: Online Self Employment Opportunities are: 1. Prolific, 2. Profitable, and, 3. Fully Portable! (WAHO-OO!)
OK. Let's assume you have landed: A promising New Job Online! May be it's not Ideal, but it does Pay Bankable Bucks shortly after Your Service/Product Delivery! (Speaking of "Bank-able", I personally have a PayPal Account set up for such Electronic Transactions. Hint, hint.)
So, let's also assume: Your First New Job is Medical Transcribing: Not too terribly exciting, certainly nothing glamorous, and in terms of Hours/Fees, it turns out to be pretty limited, you discover.
OK. So, get creative. You may be able to patch together several Part-time Jobs. Diversify. You add Medical Billing and Coding to your capabilities arsenal. You then may qualify as a Medical Services Specialist. (More Opportunity/More Variety/Better Pay/More Security.)
Your Online Job Quilt, would possibly consist of many odd and mismatching pieces; which when joined, actually do comprise a rather nice, steady and profitable pattern! Set reasonable Income Goals. Keep at it!
I currently run Five Home Based Businesses, Part-time, all of which are more-or-less Online, but none actually entirely Fund My Road: All but Two, (Blogging and Affiliate Marketing) require Driving to/from Local Site Inspections, Installations, or On-site Attendance.
The Downside of my Best-paying Businesses? They all require Transportation, Windshield Time, and all that is entailed therein. (And that is the very reason I am going 100% Online, ASAP!)
BTW: As Flexibility may dictate, you may be required to travel (hopefully short) distances to research, survey or photograph, in the course of your work.
Bear in mind that Transportation Costs, and Travel Time, are very often Not Compensated. You may be obliged to Bite the Bullet, but if the Work justifies the added expense, just do it.
Unless out-of-pocket costs are no obstacle, I would try to limit these expenses to a minimum. Of course, if you have a Motorcycle or Scooter: Fuel, Insurance and Regulatory Expenses can be minimized.
And, if you have access to Public Transportation, and your Job permits you to ride the Bus, Train or Trolley, to get to and from your destinations, so much the better.
Why, Where and How to Start:
There are literally Thousands of Online Jobs available right now. If you are not a Degreed Techie, a Trained Tutor, or Translator, there are also many interesting, Non-degree Clerical Opportunities located along the Internet Super Highway.
The main problem for RV Job Seekers: Finding the Right Online Job Descriptions to match your Skills, Business Equipment, and crucially: Your RV LifeStyle.
As I mentioned in Part 1: Work is Work. The big difference between working on location, (Onsite) and WAHO, (Home) is the Time and Expense of Travelling to and from, that location.
That's a truly significant difference: Precious Time and Money can be conserved by going WAHO. According to a recent US Census Bureau Report, most people spend at least One Hour getting to and, from work, every working day.
At a (conservative) rate of Seven Point Five Zero Dollars a Day, ($7.50 USD, based on 25 Miles, each way, and 20 MPG, and $3.00 Per Gallon, and 5 Day work Week) one may easily calculate the Annual Cost to Commute.
It's $1875.
One Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventy Five Dollars. In Ten Years, that's $18,750. And that is not including the Cost of the Vehicle, Insurance, Regulatory Fees, and Service Expenses.
And, did I mention Commuter Stress? According to a recent Reuters Article, Negative Health consequences related to Commuting, could include: Obesity, High Cholesterol, Back Pain, Eye Strain, Fatigue, and yes, Anxiety.
And, what about the Environmental Impact of all your commuting? No one yet has proven that Vehicle Emissions are actually good for Our Planet!
So RV Grasshoppers: Let's begin Here and Now:
- Self Assessment: List Talents, Vocations and Avocations.
- Review Online Opportunities (See "Bio" Resource Box.)
- Revamp Your Resume, Curriculum Vitae, or Portfolio to suit the work available Online.
- Review and Subscribe to One of the Four Services (See "Bio" Resource Box.)
- Set your Income Goals
- Research Job Descriptions and Apply Online
- Accept Assignments
TOT Advisory: The Internet is a huge and sprawling Electronic Marketplace, filled with all sorts of perils, pitfalls, and blind alleys.
The likelihood that: You... Actually Get It Right... Right off the Bat... Beginners Luck... is frankly: Infinitesimally Small!
Let's Stack the Deck... in Our Favor... Together... Shall We?
Safety First:
To begin with: Skip any, and skip all: Multi Level Marketing (MLM) and Network Marketing "Jobs". (If you examine these closely, such "opportunities" are not really "jobs" at all. They all will require that you make Regular Investments of Money and Time; or in lieu of that, Recruiting others to do the drudgery.)
Rule #1: The Big EZ Money and Get Rich Schemes, are right out! They are far, far too risky!
Rule #2: Remove the Risk Element from Online Job Opportunities, 100%, and you have: Bona Fide Online Job Opportunities: One Hundred Percent!
And that's where, as a Seasoned Online Job Shopper, I can really assist.
I have spent many, many months researching, identifying, casting out the noxious, and weeding the weeds: All in order to get down to the 100% Genuine Articles. (I will shortly be rejoining the Online Job Hunt, myself.)
In the Opportunity Screening Process, I have found: Some of the Few Genuine and Prolific, Profitable, Portable, and Guaranteed Safest Online WAHO Job Resources.
Four Safest Member Resources:
In the below Resource Box, are Four: Membership Reviews: Work At Home Online (WAHO).
To compliment this Article, I have also written a short: Membership Review: Work At Home Online. The Four Reviews separately rate Four (4) Select Memberships available, and the Surer, Securer, Safer Pathways to secure the Best, the Real WAHO Jobs, for Savvy RVers: Ready for the Road.
RV Life can be a Great RV Cabaret. So come to the RV Cabaret: surely and safely!
Happy Trails!