Health & Medical Women's Health

Best Yeast Infection Treatment - How To Ditch The Embarrassment And Get Back To Normal

More and more women are using natural home remedies as the best yeast infection treatment for them. It could be for you too. Discover, here, how these home treatments could help you eliminate your infections for good.

Yeast infection isn't just having to suffer horrible symptoms; for most folks it's highly embarrassing. And it can affect your whole life, including your personal relationships. But it doesn't have to be that way, if you know why you keep getting yeast infections, and, the correct steps to take to help you eliminate your symptoms, and, prevent future infections from messing with your life.

So what exactly is a yeast infection? The infection is so-called because it is caused by the 'overgrowing' of a yeast-like fungus that can be found quite naturally in our bodies. Under normal circumstances, your own beneficial bacteria keeps the fungus under control, so that it cannot overgrow into an infection.

Unfortunately, for many people, occasions can arise where the friendly bacteria is unable to work effectively enough, thus allowing the fungus (called Candida Albicans) to multiply and spread, causing what we know as a yeast infection. It is also called Candida, Candidiasis and sometimes thrush.

The types of things that can cause this are things like; antibiotic or steroid overuse, poor diet, compromised immune system, diabetes, contraceptives, severe stress, pregnancy, sexual intercourse, medical conditions (e.g. HIV), menstruation, drug habit, etc. So this gives you some idea of the people who are most at risk.

So now we come to what more and more women believe to be their best yeast infection treatment...

Usually, most women are directed to over the counter medications, or, prescription medications via their doctor. These largely consist of topical creams, pessaries, lotions, lozenges, mouth washes, sprays, etc., depending on where the infection is.

The pro's of these are that they can work pretty effectively for most women, over a period of a few days to one to two weeks. But the con's are that, being drug-based, many can have really nasty side effects, plus, they are generally addressing just the local symptoms, and not the underlying root causes.

This means that, once the meds are stopped, unless you deal with the underlying issues, there may be nothing to prevent your yeast infection returning time and again. Not only that, but the infection can build-up a resistance to the drugs each time you use them, so that they become even less effective.

Which is why so many women believe that the best yeast infection treatment isn't over the counter or prescription drugs, but natural home remedies which include, not just natural remedies to eliminate the yeast infection, but also natural steps to address the underlying issues that trigger the infections...

For example, typical home treatment utilises natural things such as plain yogurt, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, garlic, cranberries, etc., to help get rid of the yeast infection symptoms.

And to address the crucial underlying issues: making important dietary changes; avoiding intercourse; never using scented sprays, douches and toilette paper, etc.; wearing only 100% loose cotton underwear; and so on. There's just too many to go into here...
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