Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Treatment For Piles - Relieve Your Painful Symptoms and Be Rid of Hemorrhoids For Good

Ain't they a right pain in the..
well I'll stop there.
You know that piles can be painful.
You probably also know that they can cause you to bleed whenever you go to the toilet.
Ultimately you don't want the pain and you don't want the disconcerting experience of finding blood in the toilet pan.
So what can you do as treatment for piles ? Mild piles are simply a swelling of tissue in the anal canal or on the anus.
Like any other swelling that you might have experienced before like say a mosquito bite, piles are extra sensitive.
The reason you experience pain or bleeding is because the piles have been aggravated for some reason.
In most case this is by a stool passing over it whenever you pass a bowel movement.
So the key to treating piles is to help the swelling go down and reducing the possibilities of aggravating the piles.
There are many techniques and formulas that can be taken to help the swelling go down.
They range from professional medicines to herbal remedies and supplements.
Many people are keen on herbal remedies for a variety of reasons.
Maybe they don't trust medicines or herbal remedies are cheaper.
Whatever the reason, both approaches can work and you should use whatever you are comfortable with.
In terms of reducing the aggravation your piles may go through, it's also fairly simple.
Don't strain when you go to the toilet.
Don't wear tight clothing that can rub against external piles.
But above all,  avoid constipation and hard stool.
This is the prime cause of piles and the prime candidate to aggravate the situation.
  Changing your diet can rectify this situation in the long run but taking a laxative or stool softener in the short run is an immediate solution.
Stool softeners can be bought in your local pharmacy.
Natural laxatives, such as licorice are easy to find.
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