- A correct amount of slack in the drive chain is an important factor in the life of your chain and sprockets. Most motorcycle chains should have between 15 to 30mm (5/8 to 1-1/8 inches) of slack in the lower run. Measure slack halfway between the two sprockets and adjust until slack is within the desired range. Consult your owners manual to be sure your specific motorcycle doesn't require a smaller or larger amount of slack.
- The biggest difference between an O-ring and an X-ring chain is that the O-ring chain lubricates itself. When lubricating your X-ring chain (which should be done every 300 to 600 miles), use enough lubricant to qualify as excess. Too much is always better than too little. When finished, wipe off the chain with a clean, dry rag.
- Examine the front and rear sprockets of your motorcycle every time you perform chain maintenance. If the teeth on your sprocket have started to "shark-tooth" or show signs of excessive wear, they will wear and stretch your chain quickly and should be replaced.
Chain Slack
Sprocket Wear