Business & Finance Social Media

Generate Traffic With Twitter on Facebook

Twitter and Facebook have linked up! Following the LinkedIn Twitter application, Facebook has announced their own Twitter app that enables you to follow your Facebook friends on Twitter.
The combination of these two social networking powerhouses means it will be easier than ever before to generate traffic to your site from Facebook.
The Benefits of a Strong Connection This interweaving of two social networking sites is massive.
It's just the rejuvenation Facebook needs to fix their waning popularity as a result of the privacy issues, and it means tons of activity for Twitter.
It also means you can generate traffic to your site, as you can increase your follower numbers and syndicate your tweets.
It means less work marketing, because now you can get the connection benefits of Facebook with the function and style of Twitter, in one place.
As long as you stick to the golden rule of marketing on Twitter - 90 percent informational, 10 percent promotional - this application can really boost your business! Generate traffic to your site by setting up Twitter on Facebook in just four easy steps: Step 1: First you have to sync your accounts.
You'll need to get the Twitter App for Facebook, which you can get by clicking the link at the bottom.
Step 2: Once you've got the app, choose 'Add Twitter' under your 'Preferred Settings.
' Step 3: Enter your Twitter login information.
Step 4: Logged into your Twitter account and clicked the 'Allow' button, so Twitter knows to allow your tweets to be sent to Facebook.
To make sure you're connected, check out your settings.
Under the connections tab you should see an icon for the Twitter for Facebook app and a sentence saying 'You're allowing the following application to access your account.
' If you sign up, connect your accounts and get a fail whale, don't worry.
Check your Twitter account to make sure the connection went through, and then give it some time.
With Twitter and Facebook linked, more people will see your tweets, which means you are engaging a wider audience, and can generate more traffic to your site!
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