Business & Finance Social Media

Secrets Behind Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking has become a given in search marketing optimization.
Whenever you have a new blog or web content, and you want the search engines to quickly index, it is advisable to bookmark your blog with the social bookmarking sites.
In most of the times, your web content would be quickly indexed.
What is happening behind the scene? Search engines like Google,Yahoo, Bing are looking for newer content.
Search engines look for newer content at all places.
Social bookmarking sites are magnets because they are supposed to have original content.
When you want to remember something, you would create an association.
When you want to remember a webpage or website, you would place it in your favorites in the browser.
But browser is left at home with your computer and to make your favorites mobile, bookmarking sites were born.
The aspect of original content is very dear to search engines and that's why we try to create original web content instead of running a copy and paste operation.
When you copy the content, or you have duplicate content, your page may not be indexed.
Now take both the aspects and see what is happening and what is that you are supposed to do? Let me give an example: supposing you and nine friends of yours were to write a book review.
You write eight lines on your own, without copying any part of the book.
Supposing all your friends were to copy what you wrote and post it - there is no added review.
There's only one content.
It would have been better if nine of your friends would have commented on your review, each in their own words and meaningfully or had written separately, a review, each.
Please note that remarks like 'great!', 'good job!', 'Thanks for great effort!' are not content creation.
We need something original! Let's analyze the foregoing: when you write a blog and want it to be indexed faster, you have several options.
One of them is to adapt a social bookmarking strategy.
You need to create a bookmark which would have link to your URL but the title or short description and content or the description should not be copied, especially if you want to create bookmark at more than one social bookmarking site.
If you follow this, you would have several links to your one blog which will bring more readers to your site plus your links would stay for a long time.
How do you achieve it? You have to manually go about creating the bookmarks with original content.
Select few sites from amongst the top: digg.
com, Yahoo! Buzz, StumbleUpon.
com, reddit.
com, Technorati.
com, delicious.
com, Propeller.
com, diigo.
com, dzone.
com, netvouz.
com but more importantly do not forget the sites like ur-faves.
com, indianpad.
com, mister-wong.
com, mixx.
com which have great promise.
Keep in mind that with change of technology and business models, the players keep shuffling.
It is in your own interest to follow a mixed strategy.
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