Business & Finance Social Media

It"s Your Choice - Social Media Exposure From "Clothing Optional" to Complete "Modest

Take a deep soothing breath.
Social media isn't like that dream of speaking in public naked.
We've all heard the horror stories of wild teens using social media for hook ups and even wilder moms pretending to be teens on social media websites, and then the predators.
There is a lot of bad hype about social media.
No wonder it's got a bit of a reputation.
And no wonder some people still shy from using it out of the fear of exposing too much.
When you want to get on board and start reaping the benefits of social media how do you draw the line so you aren't showing too much? Choose Your Audience.
Every social media site has controls that allow you to choose your friends, who will see what you post, and who can communicate with you through the website.
The good news is that you don't have to be friends with everyone.
It's OK to reject an invitation to connect with someone through networking site.
By all means, it works both ways-you don't have to invite everyone you know to connect through a site.
How you use social media is up to you and what you feel comfortable with-some people do all their networking through Facebook while others only "friend" business contacts, and others use it to connect with only old work or school friends.
You can be selective, so be selective! Control the Content.
Just like when you made the fashion choice to show a bit of midriff or not, you have choices of what to expose on social media websites.
For example, on YouTube you can choose to show your videos only to specific people (by entering their email addresses) or you can let the world view your video.
This is also true on networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn-you choose what you want people to see such as your full profile and your other friends and contacts.
Be Safety Smart.
There are just some rules that are smart to follow no matter where you are online.
Following them when your network online will make you feel less vulnerable and exposed.
- "When in doubt, don't click.
" When you start using social media, don't click on email links that make offers or suggest that you "friend" the sender.
This is how hackers get your login info! - Keep Your Private Stuff Private.
Don't post your birth date...
or your social security number, or your home address, or your home phone number, or your mother's maiden name.
Don't play games on Facebook that will result in your birth date showing up online in some funny coded sentence.
- Don't post an online notice telling people when you will be on vacation.
- Use caution with your kids.
You may be a proud parent, but that doesn't mean you should post your child's private information, embarrassing photos (no matter how cute), etc.
With some common sense controls in place and making conscious choices, you can use social media to show only what you want to reveal of yourself.
That's a relief isn't' it?
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