The game today is played on the Internet.
And most people are drawn to social sites like Facebook and Myspace to market and network.
Rightly so.
These are great sites that allow you to access millions of people at the click of a button.
What could be better? There is a dark side to this however.
If not used or set up properly, having 50 billion friends won't make you a dime richer.
It all starts with an awesome profile.
So awesome that your new friend you just added, can't wait to give you his money.
Ok, on to the good stuff.
The perfect profile needs this: 1.
A great picture Put up a nice smiley picture, so that people can see your face and those good looks.
You need to have a tag line.
Something that captures the readers attention immediately.
It can be a title in bold that says "Hi I'm Bob Smith, and I know you're sick of your corporate job just like I was, that's why I GOT OUT!!".
See how effective that is? And if they're anything like you, they will definitely read on.
Tell them more about yourself.
This is your chance to connect with the readers.
So they can relate to you and get to know you.
So the more you give the better, but don't make it an essay.
Tell them you play the guitar, or that you love travelling.
Or that your wife is a teacher.
Just be real.
Tell them your problem.
Everyone has a problem that they need to solve.
In your case it might be making your online business more profitable by generating more leads.
Tell them your story to keep them engaged.
And then when you're ready, reveal your solution! 5.
The solution.
Every problem has a solution and you just happen to have the answer.
Here's where you make the sale.
But don't slap it in their face and say "If you want to be like me and make $30,000 every month, then click here".
That doesn't work.
Instead, be more subtle.
Say something like "I found a solution that really changed my life and made a difference to my business and I really want to share it with serious entrepreneurs".
Who you want to work with.
This is extremely important.
You don't want to do all this work to have tire kickers in your business.
Make sure you tell people "I am only looking to work with serious entrepreneurs.
If you like to complain and you are a tire kicker, DO NOT add me!" =) You get the idea.
And most people are drawn to social sites like Facebook and Myspace to market and network.
Rightly so.
These are great sites that allow you to access millions of people at the click of a button.
What could be better? There is a dark side to this however.
If not used or set up properly, having 50 billion friends won't make you a dime richer.
It all starts with an awesome profile.
So awesome that your new friend you just added, can't wait to give you his money.
Ok, on to the good stuff.
The perfect profile needs this: 1.
A great picture Put up a nice smiley picture, so that people can see your face and those good looks.
You need to have a tag line.
Something that captures the readers attention immediately.
It can be a title in bold that says "Hi I'm Bob Smith, and I know you're sick of your corporate job just like I was, that's why I GOT OUT!!".
See how effective that is? And if they're anything like you, they will definitely read on.
Tell them more about yourself.
This is your chance to connect with the readers.
So they can relate to you and get to know you.
So the more you give the better, but don't make it an essay.
Tell them you play the guitar, or that you love travelling.
Or that your wife is a teacher.
Just be real.
Tell them your problem.
Everyone has a problem that they need to solve.
In your case it might be making your online business more profitable by generating more leads.
Tell them your story to keep them engaged.
And then when you're ready, reveal your solution! 5.
The solution.
Every problem has a solution and you just happen to have the answer.
Here's where you make the sale.
But don't slap it in their face and say "If you want to be like me and make $30,000 every month, then click here".
That doesn't work.
Instead, be more subtle.
Say something like "I found a solution that really changed my life and made a difference to my business and I really want to share it with serious entrepreneurs".
Who you want to work with.
This is extremely important.
You don't want to do all this work to have tire kickers in your business.
Make sure you tell people "I am only looking to work with serious entrepreneurs.
If you like to complain and you are a tire kicker, DO NOT add me!" =) You get the idea.