Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Health Life Style with Heart and Feeling

If you are an academician, your brain and smart is first place because your brain needs to think and find phenomena on your research and engineering.
In a laboratory, you will always conduct some research with some axiom and you must think what you do.
Your feel is not need to use in this case.
Therefore, you brain always work to think about your research and engineering.
However, if you are in everyday life, you will do your life activity as repeat activities.
You will not use your brain because, your activities is repeated action.
For example, ride you car, ride your bike, meet with your friend, meet with your colleagues, meet with your family etc.
Moreover, if you are a teacher, you will not hard to think about lesson materials to give in your class because this is repeated action everyday.
So, what you think? It is easy, it?s not it?.
Your brain can tired because it is need energy when brain use to think something.
Your energy can low when long time in using and need to recharge.
How recharge your energy especially for brain? You need enough rest and enough food nutrients.
Some time you will consume brain nutrient capsule to improve your brain.
Brain is contain cells to build our brain and can use to think.
These cells can old and die so it is needs replacing with good cells.
Therefore, it is time to replace your brain with your heart.
Do not use your brain everyday, but use your feel and heart everyday.
Exception, if you are in learning and studying new one, then you must your brain.
However, if you are conducting every activity as repeated action, then use your feel and heart.
Your activities as repeated action had thinking before in first time.
You can train your feel and heart to replace or to make brain in rest condition.
Below some step to do that: ?Better if you conduct meditation especially dragon meditation that mention in my e-book.
?Feel your everyday life activities.
Keep positive thinking and do not afraid about anything ?Feel your activities like ride, read, eat, drink, sport, work, speak etc ?Feel your happy, pain, tired, breath, etc.
It is will made improvement of your feeling and it is will replace brain with your feeling.
?Do not think if you have problem but feel it.
If you can feel it, then your brain will rest and after that, your brain will think of your problem.
?Trust me, many success people because ability of feeling management with every people including with self.
?Your feeling and feel is first step to emotional quotient (EQ).
If you can feel your self then you will can feel everybody and can relation to them with proper action too.
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