Early Signs of Autism
Early Signs of Autism Diagnosis of autism arises earlier than age three, because around this age are more easily observed symptoms become very apparent.
It is however important to know that there are precursory signs of autism can be detected at the age of 1 year.
Parents usually notice that something is wrong with their child, but can not explain the lack of certain skills. What brings the parents to the doctor or psychologist is primarily the lack of language development, which is one of the many symptoms of autism. There are other clues, more subtle, which if observed early parenting can significantly help in the diagnosis and quick recovery of the child.
Before two years:
€ 6 months: do not laugh and do not express the joy
€ 9 months: not smile, does not respond to your sounds and facial expression do not respond to your
€ 12 months: no babbles
€ 16 months: utters not a word
€ 24 months: not combine two words with meaning (rather than imitation or repetition)
€ at any age: lose language or social skills
After two years, as the child develops, the signs are multiplying:
€ The child shows poor speech and language reduced. There are children who develop an appropriate language until around the age of 2 years, then suddenly stops language development.
€ Do not ask questions about what is happening adults around him.
€ Avoid eye contact.
€ If you want something, prefer to take an adult hand and directs it to the place than to ask explicitly.
€ Looks do not understand adult explanations about certain situations.
€ If you develop a form of language, it seems more repetitive than in continuous development.
Social Development:
€ The child does not respond when called by name.
€ Does not seem to make them happy or even seem bothered by embracing, touching.
€ In a group of children prefer to play alone, does not like to be surrounded by other children or is indifferent to their presence.
€ fails to develop relationships characteristic level of development.
€ Do not express social or emotional reciprocity.
€ It behaved as if he was conscious of the arrival or departure of people around, even parents.
€ It seems inaccessible, as they are in a world of his own.
€ Practice often strange and repetitive activities (eg toys sit in endless rows on the carpet)
€ Practice driving strange activities (eg repetitive swinging goes on peaks or wave their hands)
€ Is overly interested sensory properties of objects (smelling objects or parts of objects)
€ No symbolic play (not assign identities toys)
€ Can be overly sensitive to light, sound or touch (puts his hands to his ears when he hears sounds, even if they have no unusual intensity).
What can you do?
It is very important to know that when we have questions about our child's development, we can address a psychologist after a specific signs after a thorough psychological evaluation, we can tell if fall under suspicion of autism.
We have made great progress in Romania in terms of cognitive and social recovery of children with autism. Even if further medical diagnosis is put around the age of 3 years, there are psychologists and psychologists who work with these children from the age of 2 years and the progress made is remarkable.
Early Signs of Autism Diagnosis of autism arises earlier than age three, because around this age are more easily observed symptoms become very apparent.
It is however important to know that there are precursory signs of autism can be detected at the age of 1 year.
Parents usually notice that something is wrong with their child, but can not explain the lack of certain skills. What brings the parents to the doctor or psychologist is primarily the lack of language development, which is one of the many symptoms of autism. There are other clues, more subtle, which if observed early parenting can significantly help in the diagnosis and quick recovery of the child.
Before two years:
€ 6 months: do not laugh and do not express the joy
€ 9 months: not smile, does not respond to your sounds and facial expression do not respond to your
€ 12 months: no babbles
€ 16 months: utters not a word
€ 24 months: not combine two words with meaning (rather than imitation or repetition)
€ at any age: lose language or social skills
After two years, as the child develops, the signs are multiplying:
€ The child shows poor speech and language reduced. There are children who develop an appropriate language until around the age of 2 years, then suddenly stops language development.
€ Do not ask questions about what is happening adults around him.
€ Avoid eye contact.
€ If you want something, prefer to take an adult hand and directs it to the place than to ask explicitly.
€ Looks do not understand adult explanations about certain situations.
€ If you develop a form of language, it seems more repetitive than in continuous development.
Social Development:
€ The child does not respond when called by name.
€ Does not seem to make them happy or even seem bothered by embracing, touching.
€ In a group of children prefer to play alone, does not like to be surrounded by other children or is indifferent to their presence.
€ fails to develop relationships characteristic level of development.
€ Do not express social or emotional reciprocity.
€ It behaved as if he was conscious of the arrival or departure of people around, even parents.
€ It seems inaccessible, as they are in a world of his own.
€ Practice often strange and repetitive activities (eg toys sit in endless rows on the carpet)
€ Practice driving strange activities (eg repetitive swinging goes on peaks or wave their hands)
€ Is overly interested sensory properties of objects (smelling objects or parts of objects)
€ No symbolic play (not assign identities toys)
€ Can be overly sensitive to light, sound or touch (puts his hands to his ears when he hears sounds, even if they have no unusual intensity).
What can you do?
It is very important to know that when we have questions about our child's development, we can address a psychologist after a specific signs after a thorough psychological evaluation, we can tell if fall under suspicion of autism.
We have made great progress in Romania in terms of cognitive and social recovery of children with autism. Even if further medical diagnosis is put around the age of 3 years, there are psychologists and psychologists who work with these children from the age of 2 years and the progress made is remarkable.