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Abdominal Exercises
Add crunches to your daily routine to directly burn fat and build muscle in your abdominal region. This is the absolute best way to get those perfect flat abs. Consider purchasing ab targeting equipment such as the "Ab-Doer" or the "Red LX". Such equipment has aided many in achieving flat abs and has received countless positive reviews among consumers. - 2
Get plenty of cardiovascular exercise. Running, jogging and walking are all fine examples of exercises that will burn fat throughout your body, making it easier for you to target your abs. When it comes to cardio, the basic rule of thumb is "The more the merrier," try to dedicate at least one hour per day to a moderate cardio session. - 3
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid junk food. Vitamin-rich foods will increase your metabolism and help you burn stubborn fat around your abdominal region. Try to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
Stay away from foods containing processed sugar, trans-fats, saturated fats, etc. Such foods will add to stubborn body fat and make it take twice as long to achieve flat abs. - 4
Drink Plenty of Water
Stay properly hydrated throughout your quest to achieve flat abs. Drinking plenty of water has been praised by many bodybuilders and personal trainers as one of the best ways to aid in achieving flat abs. Drinking water helps flush out toxins and boost metabolism. Ignore the myth that drinking large amounts of water will cause you to accumulate more water weight. The truth is that you actually gain more water weight by not getting enough water. - 5). Stay On Track
Stay focused. Dedicating yourself to a strict exercise and diet routine will ensure that you get flat abs fast. Avoid those tempting foods that will set you off course and make your goal harder to achieve. Motivate yourself by constantly keeping you goal in mind and with the use of positive "self talk."