Health & Medical Nutrition

The Importance of a Vegetarian Lifestyle to Stabilize You Mentally and Chemically

Tragically in our society of miss guided rules and regulations, the Medical profession has gone down the path of what's my "Bottom Line" to make a profit, not what's my "Hippocratic Oath" to cure my patient.
How many times have you gone to the doctor and walked out with a prescription in your hand?100%.
Does this person really know you? Does he really know your health? Are you willing to take a medication, with side effects that any sane man should fear, prescribed by him because he went to Medical school? Think twice about the answers to these questions because your short term and long term health and even life are dependent upon the answers.
Even more important is the miss guided prescription use for what is termed as "chemically imbalanced.
" The new order of things is to classify depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder and innumerable psychological disorders a person is experiencing as being "chemically imbalanced.
" Did you know there are no studies or scientific proof of any kind to prove that prescriptions can cure these disorders? Only pharmaceutical companies put stock (both literally and financially) in the theory that prescriptions can help and it is likely based more on profit than science.
So why are their "theories" not questioned? The main reason is that there are NO diagnostic tests to identify an imbalance of brain chemicals like serotonin or dopamine.
As a result people are often labeled as being "imbalanced" based primarily on the presence of symptoms of depression, anxiety or hyperactivity.
A classic circular argument like labeling a woman with fatigue as anemic without performing a blood test to check iron levels.
The reality is that what we: (1) do TO our bodies; (2) what we put INTO our bodies; and (3) how/what we THINK dictates how healthy we are.
If 1 or more of these 3 areas is neglected the body eventually sends us warning signals in the form of symptoms, just as your car may similarly alert you with a "check engine" light.
Depression, anxiety, ADHD and other disorders are only symptoms of an underlying problem.
Depression and other such disorders can be caused by poor nutrition, poor habits dealing with stress, lack of sunlight, physical stress to the nervous system and more; all of which are correctable without drugs.
Medications are too often used as the first option in dealing with psychological issues because of convenience.
However, it's important to realize that medications such as Paxil, Zoloft and Wellbutrin are not meant to cure anything, only to alleviate symptoms.
This is why of all the people on these medications, Doctors never hear "I took Paxil for 1 week and it cured my depression so my doctor took me off of it" or "My son was on Focalin for 1 month, had his ADHD cured and now takes no medication at all".
The common scenario is that people go on these medicines, experience improvement in symptoms and stay on them for years and even decades to come.
This is especially dangerous because of the plethora of side effects associated with their use such as behavioral changes, decreased immune system function, cardiac problems and more.
So if someone you know has been told they're "chemically imbalanced" what should they do? If they're interested in a cure for these issues then a great first step would be to recommend that they evaluate their diet and "lifestyle".
If Doctors were trained to effectively evaluate a person's physical, chemical and emotional health and provide care to improve all 3, then the body would strengthen, and the symptoms subside.
Each of these areas is our responsibility and (1) exercising; (2) eating a vegetarian lifestyle; and (3) having a positive outlook on life will cure you faster and more permanently than any medication! Go Vegetarian!
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