About.com Rating
Campground: Jackson Lake Campground and Park
Location: Canal Winchester, Ohio
Last visit: July 24, 2011
How found: Family told me about the campground.
How Camped: RV
Campground Review and Description
We had a wonderful trip. It was in April so not all the activities were open (i.e. the pool), but I met the park managers who were really nice. They are new this year, as the person who used to run the park passed away.
They were doing all kinds of work on the place including the bathrooms, the large party house, and installing disk golf and a really nice new playground. I caught a huge fish in the lake. I plan to go again this summer to see it when it all comes together. We think we found our new favorite place to camp.
Pros, Cons, Attractions and Additional Comments
Pros: Owners were doing major upgrades all over the park. The staff was extremely friendly.
Cons: It was hard being without Wi-Fi camping, but they are suppose to have it installed camp wide by mid-May.
Attractions: My wife loved the antique shops a mile away in Lithopolis, Ohio. There was also a great coffee shop in the same area, which was also for the morning coffee. We also went hiking at Stroud's Run nearby and got to see the historical working farm.
Additional Comments: It looks like it needed a lot of work but it also looks like they are well on their way to making it a perfect place for families to camp.
Rating: 5
Ohio Camping and Travel Information
From Jackson Lake Campground and Park: The Jackson Lake Campground and Park (JLP) is under new management. JLP is 64 Acres of pure relaxing fun, only 15 miles from downtown Columbus, Ohio, but worlds away from the hustle and bustle of city life. JLP is your key to fun this 2012 camping season.
Ohio Camping and Travel Information:
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Campground: Jackson Lake Campground and Park
Location: Canal Winchester, Ohio
Last visit: July 24, 2011
How found: Family told me about the campground.
How Camped: RV
Campground Review and Description
We had a wonderful trip. It was in April so not all the activities were open (i.e. the pool), but I met the park managers who were really nice. They are new this year, as the person who used to run the park passed away.
They were doing all kinds of work on the place including the bathrooms, the large party house, and installing disk golf and a really nice new playground. I caught a huge fish in the lake. I plan to go again this summer to see it when it all comes together. We think we found our new favorite place to camp.
Pros, Cons, Attractions and Additional Comments
Pros: Owners were doing major upgrades all over the park. The staff was extremely friendly.
Cons: It was hard being without Wi-Fi camping, but they are suppose to have it installed camp wide by mid-May.
Attractions: My wife loved the antique shops a mile away in Lithopolis, Ohio. There was also a great coffee shop in the same area, which was also for the morning coffee. We also went hiking at Stroud's Run nearby and got to see the historical working farm.
Additional Comments: It looks like it needed a lot of work but it also looks like they are well on their way to making it a perfect place for families to camp.
Rating: 5
Ohio Camping and Travel Information
From Jackson Lake Campground and Park: The Jackson Lake Campground and Park (JLP) is under new management. JLP is 64 Acres of pure relaxing fun, only 15 miles from downtown Columbus, Ohio, but worlds away from the hustle and bustle of city life. JLP is your key to fun this 2012 camping season.
Ohio Camping and Travel Information:
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About Campground Reviews
Campground reviews on About Camping are submitted by readers. Have something to say about a campground? You can submit a campground review too.
Readers who submit campground reviews certify that they are the author or sole owner of the material they submit to About.com.
There is more than just one way to stay up-to date with campground reviews, and outdoor news. You can chat with fellow campers in About Camping's online forum, sign-up to receive a free weekly e-newsletter, and contribute campground reviews.