Health & Medical Nutrition

The Benefits of Soy Protein

You've read the diet books.
You know the advice by heart.
Lower your calorie intake, and increase your activity level.
Another popular piece of advice is, "less carbohydrates, more protein.
" Yeah, we know.
Pasta, pizza, pop tarts, bread should be eaten in moderation, or not at all.
Dieticians, weight loss specialists, physicians, personal trainers all agree that "lean protein" is one of the most important ingredients that can help a person burn fat, build muscles and lose inches around their thighs, waist, and buttocks.
Also, protein is harder for the body to digest, causing a person to feel fuller longer.
The idea connected with this is the more protein consumed, the less overall calories consumed, causing weight loss.
Lean protein includes foods like turkey, chicken, eggs (in moderation), egg whites, and fish.
How much animal meat and fish can a person consume before it gets old? People who are trying to lose weight and gain overall wellness need another source of protein to help them achieve their weight loss and wellness goals.
A possible answer? Soy.
The benefits of soy protein are large in number.
Soy is beginning to be one of the leading nutritional and weight loss foods on the market today.
They include: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that food contain soy protein may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
The FDA has also stated that 25 grams of soy protein a day can reduce heart disease by decreasing blood cholesterol levels.
Need another reason to incorporate soy into your diet? How about increased lung function? "People who eat lots of soy products have better lung function and are less likely to develop the smoking-associated lung disease COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
A new study has shown that consumption of a wide variety of soy products can be associated with a reduction in the risk of COPD and other respiratory symptoms" (Hirayama, Lee, Binns, Zhao, Hiramatsu, 2009).
Are you using a diet that includes controlling your glycemic index? Eating soy foods has been shown to lower cholesterol, decrease blood glucose levels and improve glucose tolerance in people with diabetes.
If heart disease, taking care of your lungs, and keeping your glycemic index in check aren't enough reasons for to incorporate soy protein into your diet, then how about the BIG C? CANCER.
Recent studies have shown that diets high in red meat and dairy products are associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.
So, here it is straight: To lose weight, gain lean muscle mass, and burn fat, increasing your protein intake in a wise path to take.
But taking in the right protein is important.
Yes, choices like chicken, fish, and turkey are excellent choices.
However, try soy products.
The health benefits of soy are immense and include prevention of respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer.
So check out soy protein.
In the resource box are suggestions on the different types of soy available on the market today that you can incorporate into your diet! Sources: 1.
JAMA and Archives Journals (2009, March 24).
Eating Red And Processed Meat Associated With Increased Risk Of Death.
Retrieved November 8, 2009.
University of Massachusetts Amherst (2009, October 7).
How Soy Reduces Diabetes Risk.
Retrieved November 8, 2009.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2009, June 27).
Dietary Fat Linked To Pancreatic Cancer.
Retrieved November 8, 2009.
Soy Products to Help You Lose Weight and Increase Your Overall Health: *Soy Milk (Chocolate and Vanilla) *Edamame *Tofu (Spice it up, it will increase your metabolism!) *Soy Protein Bars *Soy Protein Powder
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