Just like any other surgical procedure, whether it is a cosmetic surgery or even a heart transplant, there is always a list of potential risks associated with the surgical procedure.
There is no difference when it comes to risks associated with a pectoral implant surgery.
Any person who has decided to undergo the procedure must know and understand these potential risks prior to undergoing the procedure.
As a matter of fact, the surgeon who will be performing the procedure will even go over them with you in greater detail during your consultation.
Fortunately for men, but unfortunate for women, the surgery caries a completely separate set of risks as compared to a breast augmentation and there are several reasons for this.
For starters, the male's pecs does not contain a liquid like its female counterpart.
The composition of the male pectoral implant is a gelatinous solid.
What this means is that it won't break because there is no inconsistencies in pressure between he liquid filling and the exterior tissue of the capsule.
Even in the event that a potential rupture occurs, the interior of the implant is basically the same as its shell and therefore it will not leak.
Furthermore, the chances of having a complication are much slimmer with a male pectoral implant as compared to a female breast augmentation.
The most commonly reported complications associated with a pectoral implant surgery are that of bleeding.
This bleeding is a result of the underlying cuts into the tissue.
In most cases it will only form a bruise which will go away within a week or two.
It is possible for this bleeding to cause blood to accumulate, but this is very rare.
Another extremely rare instance is that the implant should slip.
In general though, the implant's surface is textured and coupled with it oblong shape, the chances of slippage is far less than the chances of a female who has a rounder shaped implant.
Furthermore the male pectoral implant is fairly flat which results in less of a chance of any mistakes as a result of making the pocket too large.
Sorry women, but fact are facts and it is truly safer as well as cheaper for a male to undergo a pecsurgery than for a female to undergo a breast augmentation surgery.
There is no difference when it comes to risks associated with a pectoral implant surgery.
Any person who has decided to undergo the procedure must know and understand these potential risks prior to undergoing the procedure.
As a matter of fact, the surgeon who will be performing the procedure will even go over them with you in greater detail during your consultation.
Fortunately for men, but unfortunate for women, the surgery caries a completely separate set of risks as compared to a breast augmentation and there are several reasons for this.
For starters, the male's pecs does not contain a liquid like its female counterpart.
The composition of the male pectoral implant is a gelatinous solid.
What this means is that it won't break because there is no inconsistencies in pressure between he liquid filling and the exterior tissue of the capsule.
Even in the event that a potential rupture occurs, the interior of the implant is basically the same as its shell and therefore it will not leak.
Furthermore, the chances of having a complication are much slimmer with a male pectoral implant as compared to a female breast augmentation.
The most commonly reported complications associated with a pectoral implant surgery are that of bleeding.
This bleeding is a result of the underlying cuts into the tissue.
In most cases it will only form a bruise which will go away within a week or two.
It is possible for this bleeding to cause blood to accumulate, but this is very rare.
Another extremely rare instance is that the implant should slip.
In general though, the implant's surface is textured and coupled with it oblong shape, the chances of slippage is far less than the chances of a female who has a rounder shaped implant.
Furthermore the male pectoral implant is fairly flat which results in less of a chance of any mistakes as a result of making the pocket too large.
Sorry women, but fact are facts and it is truly safer as well as cheaper for a male to undergo a pecsurgery than for a female to undergo a breast augmentation surgery.