If you have bleeding hemorrhoids (piles) then you will be glad to know that you are not alone! In fact at least 50% of the population suffers from this condition at some stage in their life.
I know it's a worry and it can be extremely painful but it is curable.
Research has shown that 80% of sufferers make a full recovery within one or two weeks.
If you have persistently recurring hemorrhoids then the problem is a bit more complicated.
The important thing is to try and identify what could be causing the piles to bleed.
Get some advice.
Go to the Doctor.
Look on the internet.
Build up a picture of what the problem may be.
A large percentage of the time sufferers realize that it can be something related to their lifestyle i.
sitting too much at work, constipation and bad diet (low fiber intake) or a combination of these.
Once you have (hopefully) identified where the problem may lie then you can firstly treat the painful discomfort and then look for a more permanent cure.
How to alleviate the symptoms.
Believe it or not a warm bath (not too hot) at least once a day can have immediate benefits.
The water cleanses the area helping to reduce the risk of infection and inflammation.
It also has the effect of reducing the itching.
Creams such as Preparation H can also be beneficial but always test the cream on another area of your skin as there is always a risk of an allergy - you wouldn't want to risk that happening on your hemorrhoid! How to find a cure.
This is the hard part.
It is quite often a combination of changing your lifestyle i.
e more regular walking and exercise especially if you have an office job where you sit a lot of the day.
A higher intake of fiber foods especially at breakfast.
Taking more fluids to loosen your stools (constipation can be a major cause).
These are some of the safe and effective things that you can do to get a cure.
If your doctor has recommended surgery and this is not an option for you ( at least not yet) do a little research and look for alternate treatments and cures.
Quite often you will have a better idea of what works for you.
Bleeding hemorrhoids can be treated effectively and safely it may be just a case of finding what is the right solution for you!
I know it's a worry and it can be extremely painful but it is curable.
Research has shown that 80% of sufferers make a full recovery within one or two weeks.
If you have persistently recurring hemorrhoids then the problem is a bit more complicated.
The important thing is to try and identify what could be causing the piles to bleed.
Get some advice.
Go to the Doctor.
Look on the internet.
Build up a picture of what the problem may be.
A large percentage of the time sufferers realize that it can be something related to their lifestyle i.
sitting too much at work, constipation and bad diet (low fiber intake) or a combination of these.
Once you have (hopefully) identified where the problem may lie then you can firstly treat the painful discomfort and then look for a more permanent cure.
How to alleviate the symptoms.
Believe it or not a warm bath (not too hot) at least once a day can have immediate benefits.
The water cleanses the area helping to reduce the risk of infection and inflammation.
It also has the effect of reducing the itching.
Creams such as Preparation H can also be beneficial but always test the cream on another area of your skin as there is always a risk of an allergy - you wouldn't want to risk that happening on your hemorrhoid! How to find a cure.
This is the hard part.
It is quite often a combination of changing your lifestyle i.
e more regular walking and exercise especially if you have an office job where you sit a lot of the day.
A higher intake of fiber foods especially at breakfast.
Taking more fluids to loosen your stools (constipation can be a major cause).
These are some of the safe and effective things that you can do to get a cure.
If your doctor has recommended surgery and this is not an option for you ( at least not yet) do a little research and look for alternate treatments and cures.
Quite often you will have a better idea of what works for you.
Bleeding hemorrhoids can be treated effectively and safely it may be just a case of finding what is the right solution for you!