Home & Garden Home Appliances

Loud Noises from a Kenmore Progressive Vacuum

    Upright Vacuum Central Unit

    • The upright Kenmore Progressive vacuum bag and filters are in the central part of the vacuum, and the brush roller and belt are in the base. Turn off the vacuum and unplug it from the electrical outlet. Detach the front of the vacuum by pressing the release button, then remove the casing of the central part of the vacuum. Remove the vacuum bag. Remove the motor-safety filter located under the vacuum cleaner bag. If the filter is dirty, replace it with a new filter from an authorized Kenmore retailer. Remove the exhaust filter from the bottom front of the vacuum, under the area where the vacuum bag is that stored. Rinse the exhaust filter in warm water to clean it.

    Upright Vacuum Base

    • The base of the Kenmore Progressive upright vacuum contains the brush roller and belt, and most likely this is where the loud noise is coming from. Turn the vacuum over, with the brush roller facing up. Detach the latches on the base plate to expose the brush roller and belt. Cut away obstructions from the brush roller, such as string or hair, using scissors. Check the base of the unit to make sure that no other obstructions are in the brush roller housing. Check the belt to ensure that it’s connected to the motor shaft.

    Canister Vacuum Attachments

    • The Kenmore Progressive canister vacuum’s canister is attached to the hose and power wand. After turning off and unplugging the vacuum, turn the power wand over to expose the base plate that covers the brush roller. The power unit cover detaches by pressing the latches on the side and removing it from the top. Check for dust and debris and remove it. Check the belt to ensure that it’s attached properly to the brush roller and agitator assembly. Reattach the cover and flip it over. Remove the base plate from the machine using a screwdriver to detach the screws securing it. Cut away obstructions from the brush roller, such as string or hair, using scissors. Check the base of the unit to ensure that no other obstructions are in the brush roller housing.


    • The vacuum bag is in the canister of the Kenmore Progressive canister vacuum. Remove it from the vacuum. Check the motor and exhaust filter for dirt and debris. On the canister model, replace the filter with a new one from an authorized Kenmore retailer. Use a dry, clean paint brush to remove dust and debris from the canister. Replace the vacuum bag if it's full.

    Reassembly and Maintenance

    • Reassemble the vacuum after the parts and filters are dry. Not only will the noise be reduced, but the vacuum will run more effectively, with better suction and cleaning capacity. Perform this type of maintenance routinely to reduce the noise of the vacuum.

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