- The men's hammer weighs in at 16 pounds or 7.257 kg, while the women's hammer weighs 8.82 pounds or 4 kg. The men's hammer measures 3 feet 11.75 inches in length, and the women's version is slightly shorter at 3 feet 11 inches.
- The area from which the hammer is thrown is a circle with a 3.5-foot. diameter. A wooden stop board 4 inches high, 4.5 inches deep and 4 feet long along the inside edge, in the shape of an arch, is placed at the front of the circle to delineate the front edge, so the thrower doesn't step over the line.
- The hammer uses the same field dimensions as the discus and shot put. The hammer must land within a 40-degree angle of the throwing circle, an area that is marked out by 2-inch white lines painted onto the field. A cage must be in place with an opening not larger than 24 feet, and it must be at least 16.4 feet high.
Hammer Dimensions
Surface Dimensions
Field Dimensions