- 1). Come down onto your knees with your buttocks resting on the heels of your feet.
- 2). Draw your knees together and your heels apart. As you move your heels out, your buttocks should come down to rest on the floor and your feet should end up next to your hips. Once in position, pull the flesh of your buttocks back so you are able to sit further into the floor.
- 3). Bring your hands down to your calves and turn your calves out slightly so that they are no longer under your thighs. As you roll your calves out, lightly press your shins into the floor.
- 4). Reach your hands back to the heels of your feet and lightly press your feet outward. This should help rotate your ankles so the toes of your feet point towards each other.
- 5). Lengthen your spine from the neck down to the tailbone and open your chest as you bring your hands to rest on your thighs.
- 6). Hold this position for 15 seconds.
- 7). Lift your hips off of the floor as you bring your body, from your knees to the crown of your head, perpendicular to the floor. As you bend forward and drop your hands to the floor, draw your knees apart until they are directly under your hips. These movements should bring your torso parallel with the floor.
- 8). Walk your hands forward a few inches, tucking your toes under so they are flush with the floor.
- 9). Exhale, let your seat fall down until it’s about halfway to your feet, keeping your arms straight and your hands pressed into the floor. Do not let your arms touch the ground.
- 10
Let your head drop forward slowly until your forehead comes in contact with the mat. As you do this, let your back arch slightly toward the ground, yet still keep it long. Adjust your arms so that they are fully extended in front of you and come to rest on the mat. - 11
Stretch your arms forward, countering this movement by pushing your hips back, allowing your spine to lengthen further into the stretch. - 12
Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, breathing evenly and comfortably, before coming out of the pose.