- Training your cat for a cage is essential for traveling.cage de transport avec chat image by Nath Photos from Fotolia.com
Cats make great household pets, but they are also notoriously stubborn and independent. These characteristics make cage training, often referred to as crate-training, a difficult and sometimes frustrating experience. This does not mean the training is impossible. By following some basic rules, remaining patient and by starting the training process as early as possible, your cat can comfortably stay in a cage and travel with you wherever you may go. - Buy a crate your cat will actually enjoy. Check the size of the crate. Your cat should be able to move freely inside. Cramped quarters will cause the cat to become agitated and refuse to go inside. Also, purchase a plastic crate. Cats like to scratch these types of crates. While the scratching may become annoying, it will keep the cat busy and make its time in the crate more enjoyable.
- Make the the crate enticing for your cat. The best way to achieve this is to fill the crate with your cat's favorite toys. This will keep your cat busy, and your cat will actually associate the crate with positive feelings. The same effect will be achieved if you use your cat's favorite blanket or any other item for which your cat has a strong affection.
- One of the biggest mistakes a cat owner can make when trying to train their cat is to shove the cat in the crate without any warning. The drastic change in environment can easily make the cat panic or angry. Before attempting to put your cat inside the crate, sit down on the floor with your cat with the crate next to you. Have your cat play inside the crate, next to the crate and even on top of the crate. Just being used to the presence and the smell of the crate will help the training process. Putting your cat's food and water inside the crate also will help.
- Give your cat a treat and give him high praise anytime he sleeps or plays in the crate. Only positive feelings should be associated with the crate. Your cat will know to look forward to positive attention if you continuously reaffirm his interactions with the crate.
Buy the Right Crate
Entice Your Cat
Familiarize Your Cat
Reward and Praise