Here are a few important things to consider if you own a horse, covering bathing, grass intake and some significant rules for those looking to compete.
In terms of bathing and shampooing your horse there are several things that you should do and several things that you should avoid doing.
Bathing Do bathe frequently enough to keep the coat in a good condition but don't bathe too frequently as this removes the coat of its natural oils.
Do bathe your horse prior to clipping.
This prevents the hairs from being pulled and reduces the wear on your clipper blades.
You should not use human shampoo as they are harsh and likely to strip the coat of its natural oils.
The pH of a horse's skin is higher than ours so most human shampoo is unsuitable.
However, you should use an equine shampoo that is strong enough to remove dirt but gentle on their skin and hair.
Consider shampoos with aromas and essential oils as these can provide soothing, cleansing and even antibacterial properties.
Don't over lather your horse when shampooing as it is harder to remove and ensure you remove all traces of shampoo, as not doing so can irritate the horse's skin.
You should apply a conditioner after shampooing to restore some of the coats natural oils that may have been lost.
This also adds shine and reduces static.
Also consider that nearly all shampoos and conditioners have alternative options that include fly repellent and using these can also provide good value for money.
Grass Intake In terms of grass intake, studies from the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences university have shown that the reduction in time that a horse spends out in the field results in the horse increasing the amount of grass they intake during the time they do get turned out.
They may also be seen to continue this higher intake rate as part of their routine over time.
8 Ponies were used during this study and their grazing behaviours were measured daily for 6 weeks.
These ponies were split into two groups of 4 mares.
Group A had 24 hour pasture access and Group B had 3 hours grazing time whilst being stabled for the remaining 19 hours (with haylage and water).
The intake of grass was understood by monitoring the weights of the ponies involved.
Video footage was used and analysed to determine grazing behaviour.
It was seen that Group B had a far higher intake of grass than Group A, particularly during the last week.
During this week they consume 40% of their total daily intake during the time grazing in the field! This research puts into question the initial thinking that reducing time spent on pastures limits the intake of rapidly fermentable carbohydrates.
Additionally, the British Equestrian Federation made announcements earlier this year announcing a new set of National Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication rules.
These rules closely follow the FEI guidelines that would affect all BEF Member Bodies in all FEI disciplines, and all disciplines will be fully complimented with these rules by January 2012.
British Show Jumping was the first to join the system at the beginning of April this year.
Anti-Doping testing will be increased across all disciplines and all affiliated members will inevitably have their horses tested.
These actions have been initiated in the hope that the creation of national standardised guidelines will clarify things for riders.
This new system also adopts the FEI prohibited substances list in full.
Under the new system the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will be classed as a controlled medication.
The full list can be found on the BEF website.
In terms of bathing and shampooing your horse there are several things that you should do and several things that you should avoid doing.
Bathing Do bathe frequently enough to keep the coat in a good condition but don't bathe too frequently as this removes the coat of its natural oils.
Do bathe your horse prior to clipping.
This prevents the hairs from being pulled and reduces the wear on your clipper blades.
You should not use human shampoo as they are harsh and likely to strip the coat of its natural oils.
The pH of a horse's skin is higher than ours so most human shampoo is unsuitable.
However, you should use an equine shampoo that is strong enough to remove dirt but gentle on their skin and hair.
Consider shampoos with aromas and essential oils as these can provide soothing, cleansing and even antibacterial properties.
Don't over lather your horse when shampooing as it is harder to remove and ensure you remove all traces of shampoo, as not doing so can irritate the horse's skin.
You should apply a conditioner after shampooing to restore some of the coats natural oils that may have been lost.
This also adds shine and reduces static.
Also consider that nearly all shampoos and conditioners have alternative options that include fly repellent and using these can also provide good value for money.
Grass Intake In terms of grass intake, studies from the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences university have shown that the reduction in time that a horse spends out in the field results in the horse increasing the amount of grass they intake during the time they do get turned out.
They may also be seen to continue this higher intake rate as part of their routine over time.
8 Ponies were used during this study and their grazing behaviours were measured daily for 6 weeks.
These ponies were split into two groups of 4 mares.
Group A had 24 hour pasture access and Group B had 3 hours grazing time whilst being stabled for the remaining 19 hours (with haylage and water).
The intake of grass was understood by monitoring the weights of the ponies involved.
Video footage was used and analysed to determine grazing behaviour.
It was seen that Group B had a far higher intake of grass than Group A, particularly during the last week.
During this week they consume 40% of their total daily intake during the time grazing in the field! This research puts into question the initial thinking that reducing time spent on pastures limits the intake of rapidly fermentable carbohydrates.
Additionally, the British Equestrian Federation made announcements earlier this year announcing a new set of National Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication rules.
These rules closely follow the FEI guidelines that would affect all BEF Member Bodies in all FEI disciplines, and all disciplines will be fully complimented with these rules by January 2012.
British Show Jumping was the first to join the system at the beginning of April this year.
Anti-Doping testing will be increased across all disciplines and all affiliated members will inevitably have their horses tested.
These actions have been initiated in the hope that the creation of national standardised guidelines will clarify things for riders.
This new system also adopts the FEI prohibited substances list in full.
Under the new system the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will be classed as a controlled medication.
The full list can be found on the BEF website.