Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Are Your Hemorrhoids Bleeding A Lot?

The reason you are reading this article is probably because your hemorrhoids are bleeding a lot. And you have done the right thing by reading this article. Here, I will enlighten you all about bleeding hemorrhoids.

When hemorrhoids bleed, a sufferer normally becomes excessively worried as it regularly comes as a total surprise. Plus, because of the water dilution effect, and if you are bleeding for the 1st time into the toilet bowl, it may seem like you are actually bleeding to death! Luckily, hemorrhoids bleeding is not life-threatening. Nevertheless, it is quite a shock for first timers.

Internal hemorrhoids are the major cause of bleeding hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids generally do not hurt because their origin (the intestinal tissue), does not contain plenty of nerves. The tissue is also very much thinner and it has more blood vessels close to the surface. As such they bleed at even the slightest provocation.

The majority of people do not even know they have internal hemorrhoids right until those hemorrhoids start to bleed for some reason. Obviously, the first time when you see blood coming from your anal area, you must see a doctor because anal bleeding can be a sign of a number of health conditions, which some of it are dangerous. But, once your doctor has confirmed that you have got bleeding hemorrhoids, then you can stop worrying and begin the eliminating process.

First, you need to stay away from all potential bleeding causes. Slowly increase dietary fiber intake and drink plenty of water to make your stools soft so that they can be easily passed. Increasing your dietary fiber intake too fast will make you gassy and bloated. Drink water about 64 ounces daily to avoid the fiber from turning into intestinal concrete. Plus, stay away from drinks which contain caffeine. Caffeine is a substance that increase the flow of urine (diuretic), which means caffeine causes our body to expel water.

Do not wear tight underwear or clothing. Wear loose underwear made from cotton kind, if possible, without dyes. Additionally, if the problems persist, you should try changing your laundry detergent to the hypoallergenic kind. For some people it helps. Do not pass bowel for more than 5 minutes and do not strain yourself when doing so. The downward pressure from your abdomen muscles will only make your hemorrhoids bleeding problem a lot more worse.
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