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How to Build a Barbed Wire Fence With Corners

    • 1). Dig a 2- to 3-foot-deep hole into the ground where you want to place each corner post of the fence. Pour cement into a wheelbarrow and add water to it until a workable consistency. Stand an 8-foot-tall, 6-inch-wide wooden post into a hole in the corner and pour cement into it until several inches from the top. Check that the post is level and plumb, or adjust before the concrete cures.

    • 2). Dig a hole for the brace post 8 feet from a corner post, in the direction of the fence, but outside the fence line. Install an 8-foot-tall, 5-inch-wide brace post into the hole and repeat the process of pouring concrete into it as for the previous post.

    • 3). Measure 8 inches down from the corner post and drill a 3/8-inch-wide, 2-inch-deep hole over the spot, in the direction of the brace post. Hammer a 4-inch-long, 3/8-inch-wide brace pin in the hole, leaving 2 inches exposed. Drill a 3/8-inch-wide hole through the brace post, at a point parallel to the brace pin on the corner post.

    • 4). Drill a 3/8-inch-wide, 3-inch-deep hole through one end of the horizontal brace post, and another 2-inch-deep, 3/8-inch-wide hole through the other end. Position the post horizontally so the 2-inch-deep hole faces the exposed brace pin. Hammer the exposed pin into the hole, and insert another brace pin to join its other end to the brace post.

    • 5). Insert a steel barbed wire post every 15 to 20 feet along the fence line. Dig a 2- to 3-foot-deep hole for each steel T-post. Position the post with its knobbed side inwards. Enlist someone to hold the post upright as you pour concrete around it until several inches from the top of the hole. Let the concrete cure before packing dirt into the remaining section of the hole, until in keeping with the surroundings.

    • 6). Wrap a length of brace wire from the top of the brace post to the bottom of the corner post, and staple it in place. Also wrap the corner of a roll of barbed wire around the bottom of the brace post and attach with the crimping tool. Attach the wire grip to the barbed wire.

    • 7). Insert the come-along winch to the brace post and secure the wire grip to the hook at the corner of the come-along. Hammer the wire to the brace post with staples. Once attached, remove the tension on the come-along and remove the wire grip. Repeat the process of attaching the strands of wire to the steel posts using T-post clips.

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