Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety Treatment - Natural Methods Are Best

When you have anxiety you will experience strong feelings of apprehension, intense worrying about something, or fear.
You may feel that you cannot control these feelings when they arise in you.
Maybe it is because you have a hereditary problem, or because you suffer from a chemical imbalance.
There are all kinds of drugs on the market that are supposed to help treat anxiety, and most of them do a good job.
The only problem is these drugs come with all kinds of side affects you may not want to deal with like sexual dysfunction, intense headaches, possible heart problems, or addiction.
I suggest looking for a natural anxiety treatment.
I'm not saying that you should not be able to take some of these drugs; sometimes they are they only option, what I'm saying is that you might want to look into some natural options before you decide to go the other route.
Look into these two natural anxiety treatments and see if you can get a grip over your anxiety.
St Johns Wart: You may have heard of the drug Prozac that is supposed to help with anxiety and depression.
You can get the natural equivalent to this drug by buying St Johns Wart.
It is supposed to help you produce more serotonin so that your body is able to control your anxiety.
You can find this herbal remedy at any health food store or drug store.
Try it out for a while before you decide that it doesn't work.
Chances are you will need to use it for at least a few weeks until you can make a determination, your body cannot just change overnight.
If you see that it is working then buy a bigger supply, take it in moderation and not to excess and you will be good to go.
Using EFT: EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique.
It is a technique where you focus on certain points of your body, kind of like acupuncture.
The idea is to tap on certain areas of your body and say positive affirmations to yourself so that you convince yourself that what you are saying is true.
You may feel silly doing this at first, but it has been said to be very effective for a lot of people.
You can find complete instructions online concerning this method.
As you begin to do it you will feel very relaxed and the things you were worrying about and blowing out of proportion won't seem that big a deal anymore.
Try it for yourself to see if it is effective for you.
If you really want to help your anxiety go away then do not feel silly about trying these natural anxiety treatments.
Drugs like Prozac can help you but they can hurt you at the same time.
If you feel like this is your only option then it is okay, but you do not want to depend on a drug to be able to live your life.
The side effects of using such drugs can be more harmful to you than helpful, make sure you know what you're getting into when you decide on your anxiety treatment.
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