Are you staying away from public places? Although panic attacks can strike anywhere, I can guarantee you that the propensity for that to happen in public places is very real, as to make a fool of you.
The reality is that, there is no foolishness in suffering from anxiety and panic attacks.
It is an illness like any other and you don't want that to take over your life to the point where it forces you to stay away from socializing and from public places.
Know the signs! If you have been suffering from the illness for a while, you'll know the signs.
Whenever you feel dizzy, a fast pounding heartbeat and inability to concentrate you know that you are about to have an episode of panic attack.
Interestingly enough, about 25% of people rushed to emergency rooms thinking they are having a heart attack were told that it is indeed a case of panic attack.
The good thing about it, nobody die of these attack.
Control the disorder with a holistic approach! Scientists and researches are looking into possible causes of the disorder and things such as genetic and family background are now being investigated.
New drugs are being tested but it is a path that you want to keep as a last resort, since you don't want to create a dependency on any drugs.
A natural and holistic approach is recommended so that the cure can come from a mind and body approach.
Getting plenty of sleep and also having a stable sleeping pattern with a good and healthy diet are things that in combination, will have a positive impact on the illness.
Survey says! Surveys show that close to 3 million of Americans between the age of 15 and 20 suffers from the disorder.
It is interesting to know that it affects women more than men.
You have to address the problem! It will not go away on its own.
The worst places to have these attacks are while driving or in a front of a panel of interviewers, interviewing you for a job.
There are things that have been proven to work.
Things like breathing exercises where you'll breathe in deeply through the nose, hold it for 4, 5 second then release slowly through the mouth.
Simple exercise to control the illness! The breathing exercises will regulate the flow of blood to the brain and that will help clear the mind and stay focus.
What you want in fact is to relax the muscles and concentrate.
Think of a happy moment in your life when you were carefree and joyful.
Keep on redirecting your thought away from the debilitating environment of anxiety and panic attack and bring your mind to a controlled state of mind with deep breathing and relaxation and you'll be able to handle the illness and regain control of your life.
The reality is that, there is no foolishness in suffering from anxiety and panic attacks.
It is an illness like any other and you don't want that to take over your life to the point where it forces you to stay away from socializing and from public places.
Know the signs! If you have been suffering from the illness for a while, you'll know the signs.
Whenever you feel dizzy, a fast pounding heartbeat and inability to concentrate you know that you are about to have an episode of panic attack.
Interestingly enough, about 25% of people rushed to emergency rooms thinking they are having a heart attack were told that it is indeed a case of panic attack.
The good thing about it, nobody die of these attack.
Control the disorder with a holistic approach! Scientists and researches are looking into possible causes of the disorder and things such as genetic and family background are now being investigated.
New drugs are being tested but it is a path that you want to keep as a last resort, since you don't want to create a dependency on any drugs.
A natural and holistic approach is recommended so that the cure can come from a mind and body approach.
Getting plenty of sleep and also having a stable sleeping pattern with a good and healthy diet are things that in combination, will have a positive impact on the illness.
Survey says! Surveys show that close to 3 million of Americans between the age of 15 and 20 suffers from the disorder.
It is interesting to know that it affects women more than men.
You have to address the problem! It will not go away on its own.
The worst places to have these attacks are while driving or in a front of a panel of interviewers, interviewing you for a job.
There are things that have been proven to work.
Things like breathing exercises where you'll breathe in deeply through the nose, hold it for 4, 5 second then release slowly through the mouth.
Simple exercise to control the illness! The breathing exercises will regulate the flow of blood to the brain and that will help clear the mind and stay focus.
What you want in fact is to relax the muscles and concentrate.
Think of a happy moment in your life when you were carefree and joyful.
Keep on redirecting your thought away from the debilitating environment of anxiety and panic attack and bring your mind to a controlled state of mind with deep breathing and relaxation and you'll be able to handle the illness and regain control of your life.