I just read a really cool blog post and I'd LOVE to share it with my followers on Twitter, Facebook, and elsewhere.
But there's not a TweetThis button in sight.
Not a Facebook share or like icon.
No easy way to share on LinkedIn, Stumble or Digg the post.
now I'll have to decide how bad I want to share it? Do I feel like copying and pasting the link, running it through a shortener for Twitter, and all that...
I'll still share this particular post, because I have time this morning, but 90% of the time I probably wouldn't.
Make sure your blog is quick and easy to share! Your other readers might be short on time and looking for an easy way to share your great content, too.
Give your readers a quick way to share your content (or two, or three) and they will! Here are four easy ways to enable your visitors to share: 1.
Apture Search Bar: The Apture Search bar gives visitors an easy way to share on Facebook and Twitter, or email content to a friend.
It's easy to install (just add a bit of code to your footer).
Sharing stats on my site have gone up since I installed it.
Facebook Like Button: This one allows visitors to click to "Like" your posts/pages on Facebook.
You can find the plugin in a search at the WordPress plugin directory.
Tweet Button: You've probably seen that little bubble with the green tweet button on blogs.
It makes it easy for visitors to "Tweet" the posts on Twitter.
It's a WordPress plugin, too.
Social Networking Icons: There are several options to add social networking icons to the top and/or bottom of your posts that allow readers to share your content on a variety of networks.
You don't have to be active on all these networks, just give your visitors an easy way to share your content on the networks they choose.
My favorite of these options is SexyBookmarks.
I like the way the icons jump when you touch your mouse to them.
You might also like Sociable, ShareThis, or AddtoAny.
(Note: If your site is not on WordPress, then try AddtoAny.
com-it's easy to add to any web page.
) Pick one, two, three or all four of these options and get them on your blog today so people can start sharing your content easily!
But there's not a TweetThis button in sight.
Not a Facebook share or like icon.
No easy way to share on LinkedIn, Stumble or Digg the post.
now I'll have to decide how bad I want to share it? Do I feel like copying and pasting the link, running it through a shortener for Twitter, and all that...
I'll still share this particular post, because I have time this morning, but 90% of the time I probably wouldn't.
Make sure your blog is quick and easy to share! Your other readers might be short on time and looking for an easy way to share your great content, too.
Give your readers a quick way to share your content (or two, or three) and they will! Here are four easy ways to enable your visitors to share: 1.
Apture Search Bar: The Apture Search bar gives visitors an easy way to share on Facebook and Twitter, or email content to a friend.
It's easy to install (just add a bit of code to your footer).
Sharing stats on my site have gone up since I installed it.
Facebook Like Button: This one allows visitors to click to "Like" your posts/pages on Facebook.
You can find the plugin in a search at the WordPress plugin directory.
Tweet Button: You've probably seen that little bubble with the green tweet button on blogs.
It makes it easy for visitors to "Tweet" the posts on Twitter.
It's a WordPress plugin, too.
Social Networking Icons: There are several options to add social networking icons to the top and/or bottom of your posts that allow readers to share your content on a variety of networks.
You don't have to be active on all these networks, just give your visitors an easy way to share your content on the networks they choose.
My favorite of these options is SexyBookmarks.
I like the way the icons jump when you touch your mouse to them.
You might also like Sociable, ShareThis, or AddtoAny.
(Note: If your site is not on WordPress, then try AddtoAny.
com-it's easy to add to any web page.
) Pick one, two, three or all four of these options and get them on your blog today so people can start sharing your content easily!