Morning sickness is something which almost every woman goes through in her pregnancy.
Morning sickness is the term given to the nausea and vomiting which is present in the early stages of pregnancy.
Although it is called morning sickness it is not always present in the morning.
These symptoms may be present at any time of the day but are predominant during early mornings.
Although the exact causes of morning sickness are not known the following three factors are postulated to cause majority of cases of morning sickness.
Immunological Factors: The baby growing inside your womb is a foreign object.
However in spite of it being a foreign antigen, you body still does not reject it.
This is because during pregnancy many changes occur in the way the immune cells of your body recognise self and non self antigens.
Although the exact sequence of events is not clearly known, it is believed that during pregnancy there is a down regulation of many immune responses and up-regulation of some.
Credence to this theory is given by the fact that some auto immune disorders like SLE worsen in pregnancy while other improve.
Therefore it is possible that the altered immunological milieu in the body may lead to the subjective feeling of nausea and vomiting.
Hormonal factors: Hormonal factors play a major role in the genesis of morning sickness.
During pregnancy your body is pumped with huge quantities of female hormone oestrogens and progesterone.
This often leads to nausea and vomiting.
It has been observed that some women develop symptoms similar to morning sickness with routine use of oral contraceptive pill.
These pill contain minute quantities of female hormones and if they are capable of causing these symptoms then pregnancy with the huge amounts of hormones in circulation most certainly is capable of causing these symptoms.
Psychological factors: I was thought way back in med school that psychological factors are one the most common causes of vomiting in pregnancy and are also the main reason for the vast difference in symptoms amongst women.
I had a taste of it when my wife was pregnant.
I realised that psychological factors do play a very important role in the genesis of vomiting of pregnancy and by altering these factors you can ameliorate the symptoms of vomiting of pregnancy to a great extant.
In fact text books of obstetrics mention that in women who suffer severe emesis, simply removing the lady from her present environment is sufficient to cure morning sickness in nearly 8 out of 10 women.
So much is the impact of psychological factors.
This was in brief the postulated causes of morning sickness.
Please visit my web site for more information on the symptoms and management of morning sickness.
Morning sickness is the term given to the nausea and vomiting which is present in the early stages of pregnancy.
Although it is called morning sickness it is not always present in the morning.
These symptoms may be present at any time of the day but are predominant during early mornings.
Although the exact causes of morning sickness are not known the following three factors are postulated to cause majority of cases of morning sickness.
Immunological Factors: The baby growing inside your womb is a foreign object.
However in spite of it being a foreign antigen, you body still does not reject it.
This is because during pregnancy many changes occur in the way the immune cells of your body recognise self and non self antigens.
Although the exact sequence of events is not clearly known, it is believed that during pregnancy there is a down regulation of many immune responses and up-regulation of some.
Credence to this theory is given by the fact that some auto immune disorders like SLE worsen in pregnancy while other improve.
Therefore it is possible that the altered immunological milieu in the body may lead to the subjective feeling of nausea and vomiting.
Hormonal factors: Hormonal factors play a major role in the genesis of morning sickness.
During pregnancy your body is pumped with huge quantities of female hormone oestrogens and progesterone.
This often leads to nausea and vomiting.
It has been observed that some women develop symptoms similar to morning sickness with routine use of oral contraceptive pill.
These pill contain minute quantities of female hormones and if they are capable of causing these symptoms then pregnancy with the huge amounts of hormones in circulation most certainly is capable of causing these symptoms.
Psychological factors: I was thought way back in med school that psychological factors are one the most common causes of vomiting in pregnancy and are also the main reason for the vast difference in symptoms amongst women.
I had a taste of it when my wife was pregnant.
I realised that psychological factors do play a very important role in the genesis of vomiting of pregnancy and by altering these factors you can ameliorate the symptoms of vomiting of pregnancy to a great extant.
In fact text books of obstetrics mention that in women who suffer severe emesis, simply removing the lady from her present environment is sufficient to cure morning sickness in nearly 8 out of 10 women.
So much is the impact of psychological factors.
This was in brief the postulated causes of morning sickness.
Please visit my web site for more information on the symptoms and management of morning sickness.