Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Your Snoring is Keeping Me Awake All Night!

I never realized how bad my snoring problem was until my wife made it very obvious to me.
One morning, I woke up and my wife was not in the bed.
Where did I find her? She had actually made a pallet on the floor in our walk-in closet in an attempt to get away from my snoring.
Another time, I woke up in the morning and again my wife was missing.
I went looking for her and I found a pallet on the floor in the walk-in closet but no wife.
I then went downstairs and found my wife asleep on the sofa.
She told me that I was snoring so badly that she could not even sleep in the closet.
Instead, she had to go all the way downstairs and sleep on the sofa.
Soon after that, I decided that maybe I should actually go in for a sleep study.
Soon, my sleep study was scheduled and I showed up at the sleep center at the appointed time.
Basically, after completing the study, I found out that I had a fairly severe case of sleep apnea.
After my doctor reviewed the results of the study, it was decided that I would be provided with a CPAP machine.
Within just a few days, the home medical supply company delivered my CPAP to my home and instructed me on its usage and maintenance.
Now, I sleep with the CPAP machine every night.
In my case, I cannot say with 100% certainty that it has actually helped me sleep better and get more rest.
Even so, my wife will certainly tell you that she sleeps much better now that I have the CPAP than she did before.
In fact, there has not been one single morning that I woke up and found her missing.
Not only that, she no longer wakes me up several times during the night to try to shut me up.
The moral to this story is that if you have a severe snoring problem, it might be a good idea to talk to your doctor about it.
There is a fair probability that you have sleep apnea and your doctor will most likely suggest that you go in for a sleep study.
Once you have completed the study, been diagnosed with sleep apnea, and have your CPAP machine, you'll likely find that you wake up feeling more rested.
As an added benefit, your wife will sleep better too and she'll be appreciative of your lack of nighttime sound effects.
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