- Organize a poker night for new sisters to meet active sisters in your sorority. Try to keep an even number of new girls and older members at each table if possible. Have a table open for sisters who have been eliminated to play other card games. Create cute cheat sheets for sisters who are unfamiliar with the game. Have a few fun prizes for the winner, such as a fragrant candle or a picture frame.
- Host an initiation at the local skating rink for a winter theme. Bring plenty of hot cocoa and coffee or tea for refreshments. Before the initiation, have an active member create a goody bag for a new sister. The active member can include a cute skating accessory such as a scarf, mittens or earmuffs. The goody bag can also include candy and words of encouragement to the new sister.
- A campfire is a perfect way for sorority sisters to work together and get to know one another. Campfires are usually an inexpensive option, but make sure that your local park or beach permits fires. Active members will have to buy the food and necessary equipment, such as lighter fluid and firewood beforehand. After dinner is finished, active members can teach new sisters special songs and roast marshmallows.
- Allow the girls to bond with fun-filled karaoke.Thinkstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Initiation parties are all about letting your guard down and bonding. Nothing accomplishes this like having a karaoke night --- the catch is that everyone must participate. If you allow some sisters to be wallflowers, sisters who do sing may feel self-conscious. Create an even playing field by making an order of singers before the event, interspersing the new girls with the active members. You can allow the shy girls to do a duet. Another option is to have new and old members sing a duet for a bonding experience.
Poker Night
Sisters on Ice
Campfire Social
Sorority Karaoke