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The Signs of a Flooded Lawn Mower Engine

    Difficulty Starting

    • Lawn mower engines that are flooded are often difficult to start, states the Flower Pot Heaven website. Flooded lawn mower engines usually require several pulls on the starter cord before they will turn on. Flooded lawn mower engines might start but then quickly stall out. Lawn mower engines often become flooded when you attempt to start the engine on the wrong throttle setting. The engine then fills with gas, which makes starting the engine difficult.

    Won't Start at All

    • Lawn mower engines that are flooded will often totally refuse to start. Because of all the excess gas inside, the engine can't function properly to start. To resolve this issue, turn the fuel off. Operate the starter until the engine starts, and turn the fuel back on. Turning the fuel off prevents even more fuel from entering the engine and gives the engine an opportunity to start without extra gas further complicating the issue.

    Leaking Gas

    • Another sign that your lawn mower engine is flooded is gas leakage. If the engine is filled with excess gas, the gas may start to leak out. The gas could leak out of the top or bottom of the lawn mower. If this occurs, attempt to start the engine following the suggested tips. If you still cannot start the lawn mower, seek the help of a professional. Always use extreme caution when working around gas as it is flammable. Avoid going near any open flame or fire sources when working with gas.

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