Health & Medical Body building

How I Built 10 Pounds of Muscle in 8 Weeks - How I Used Old Secrets to Finally Get New Results

I had a revelation recently.
I had been working out in the gym, lifting weights and trying to put on muscle, for about eight years.
What did I have to show for all that time? About 15 pounds of muscle.
15 pounds! That's less than two pounds a year, which is embarrassing.
I had been lifting heavily for eight years and people still didn't know that I lifted regularly -- it just didn't show on my body.
Thinking about this pissed me off, so I decided to try a completely different method to put on muscle.
I took everything I was doing, and decided to make my routine completely different.
I had to find a way to stop wasting my time in the gym.
I studied the old masters -- the guys who got huge results without any drugs or even supplements -- and found out what made their plans work.
What I ended up with was a stupidly simple plan -- far less complicated than anything I had ever read about or done before -- and 10 pounds of new muscle in 8 weeks of hard, hard training.
I matched the muscle gain from almost eight years of training in only 8 WEEKS.
What are the biggest changes I made that led to this new muscle? First, you have to eat meat.
Lots and lots of it.
Everyone knows you have to eat food to get big, and meat should make up the majority of that food.
Second, you have to ditch your supplements.
I stopped using any supplement except for fish oil and I had the best gains of my life.
 Eating the exact right foods will get much better results than any supplement can.
 Third, you have to work yourself to the bone in the gym in the shortest time possible.
Rest less and work harder and you will grow.
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