At the end of the day the industry of network marketing is built on RELATIONSHIPS! The more people you talk to, the more people you connect with, the more relationships you build, the more money you make, period.
It's that simple.
Sadly, most networkers these days want to hop online and they think that they can simply drive traffic to a website and create a six-figure residual income quickly.
Well, they are dead wrong! While the internet is a powerful tool for network marketers, learning how to leverage the internet the right way takes months of hard work, dedication, and study.
Learning the internet and how to leverage it to build your business is a process that I believe is well worth the pain and time, but it has to be a skill-set you learn as you constantly focus on the income producing activities at least a few hours a day, which is you connecting with people RIGHT NOW! The glue, the "magic sauce," the missing link for most networkers these days is that they've forgotten that this is NETWORK marketing! You've got to get out and network with new, qualified people each and every day while you learn some internet marketing techniques.
So what's the best way to do this? In my opinion the fastest and easiest way to start connecting with like-minded individuals is through something called "Meet-Up Groups!".
Specifically for us there are literally hundreds and thousands of meet-up groups all across the globe that are perfect feeding grounds for you to build quality relationships with targeted prospects.
Everything from network marketing, home based business, work from home moms, entrepreneurs, online marketing, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING you can think of that is directly related to our industry! Disclaimer: I will say that you don't join a certain meet-up group or start a meet-up group yourself with the intention of going there to tell them how amazing your network marketing company's product or service is.
In fact, that's probably the worst thing you could do because you will repel and turn-off every single person you talk to.
The majority of the people you will talk to at these meet-up groups are already involved in a network marketing company, and they certainly don't want to hear about how your product or service is better than theirs! Instead, you want to go into a meet-up group with the sole intention of providing value, making connections, and building relationships.
Here are few tips when you connect at a meet-up group that will help you build a foundation with other attendees: Ask Questions See what they're up to! Be curious about what company they're marketing, how they're marketing, how long they've been in the industry, what they like about it, what they don't like about it, etc.
It's interesting to hear everyone's story, and this information is pure gold, as you'll see in a second...
Collect and Write Down Information about Each Connection The sweetest sound to a person's ear is their name.
People want to feel appreciated, like you care.
If you can remember the tiny details they tell you in your initial conversation I promise hey will be blown away at how attentive you were and how much you care.
Write down some bullet points immediately following the meet-up group so you can bring up this information in the next conversation.
Going this extra mile will make you so incredibly likable and you will build your following and rolodex quickly.
Be present Genuinely care about these people.
You have to genuinely care about people if you're going to make a few million bucks in this industry, and it starts right here.
Look them straight in the eye, keep great posture, handle yourself well, dress with some style, smell good, and listen to every single word they say.
If you ask good intelligent questions that build off their previous answer, if you're present with them and not staring off into space, if you have a good heart and actually care about what they have to say, these meet-up groups will be perfect for you and can be a goldmine for you.
BIGGEST THING: BE LIKABLE, which simply means ask questions, be interested in them, and show you genuinely care about them and want to build a relationship.
If you start attending meet-up groups and hosting your own meet-up group, this can be the most effective marketing weapon you have in your arsenal.
It will also push you to become a leader and become incredibly attractive in the eyes of your prospects, which is an invaluable skill that you must acquire if you're ever going to make serious money in this industry.
It's that simple.
Sadly, most networkers these days want to hop online and they think that they can simply drive traffic to a website and create a six-figure residual income quickly.
Well, they are dead wrong! While the internet is a powerful tool for network marketers, learning how to leverage the internet the right way takes months of hard work, dedication, and study.
Learning the internet and how to leverage it to build your business is a process that I believe is well worth the pain and time, but it has to be a skill-set you learn as you constantly focus on the income producing activities at least a few hours a day, which is you connecting with people RIGHT NOW! The glue, the "magic sauce," the missing link for most networkers these days is that they've forgotten that this is NETWORK marketing! You've got to get out and network with new, qualified people each and every day while you learn some internet marketing techniques.
So what's the best way to do this? In my opinion the fastest and easiest way to start connecting with like-minded individuals is through something called "Meet-Up Groups!".
Specifically for us there are literally hundreds and thousands of meet-up groups all across the globe that are perfect feeding grounds for you to build quality relationships with targeted prospects.
Everything from network marketing, home based business, work from home moms, entrepreneurs, online marketing, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING you can think of that is directly related to our industry! Disclaimer: I will say that you don't join a certain meet-up group or start a meet-up group yourself with the intention of going there to tell them how amazing your network marketing company's product or service is.
In fact, that's probably the worst thing you could do because you will repel and turn-off every single person you talk to.
The majority of the people you will talk to at these meet-up groups are already involved in a network marketing company, and they certainly don't want to hear about how your product or service is better than theirs! Instead, you want to go into a meet-up group with the sole intention of providing value, making connections, and building relationships.
Here are few tips when you connect at a meet-up group that will help you build a foundation with other attendees: Ask Questions See what they're up to! Be curious about what company they're marketing, how they're marketing, how long they've been in the industry, what they like about it, what they don't like about it, etc.
It's interesting to hear everyone's story, and this information is pure gold, as you'll see in a second...
Collect and Write Down Information about Each Connection The sweetest sound to a person's ear is their name.
People want to feel appreciated, like you care.
If you can remember the tiny details they tell you in your initial conversation I promise hey will be blown away at how attentive you were and how much you care.
Write down some bullet points immediately following the meet-up group so you can bring up this information in the next conversation.
Going this extra mile will make you so incredibly likable and you will build your following and rolodex quickly.
Be present Genuinely care about these people.
You have to genuinely care about people if you're going to make a few million bucks in this industry, and it starts right here.
Look them straight in the eye, keep great posture, handle yourself well, dress with some style, smell good, and listen to every single word they say.
If you ask good intelligent questions that build off their previous answer, if you're present with them and not staring off into space, if you have a good heart and actually care about what they have to say, these meet-up groups will be perfect for you and can be a goldmine for you.
BIGGEST THING: BE LIKABLE, which simply means ask questions, be interested in them, and show you genuinely care about them and want to build a relationship.
If you start attending meet-up groups and hosting your own meet-up group, this can be the most effective marketing weapon you have in your arsenal.
It will also push you to become a leader and become incredibly attractive in the eyes of your prospects, which is an invaluable skill that you must acquire if you're ever going to make serious money in this industry.